Chapter 8

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As the rays of the morning sun hit his face, Ash stretched. A few of his bones cracked, making him groan in delight. It was about 8 a.m. and Brock was already up and making breakfast.

Ash went to Gary's tent, nudging him softly successfully waking him up.

"Good morning sleepyhead."

"Good morning Ashy..." Gary yawned rubbing his eyes.

"Get dressed and come out. By the time you do, breakfast should be ready."

"Okay..." He replied, still dazed.

After they ate, the group continued to head to Cerulean city. Ash had his Horsea out by the stream beside the dirt road. While walking, Ash named his Horsea Stryker and levelled him up to level 12 but he had to return him to his Pokeball since the stream ended as they arrived in Cerulean city.

"Halt! Are those Pokemon yours? Show me your identification!" A female policewoman with cyan hair demanded in a firm voice.

All three trainers took out their Pokedex except Ash who had a Nanodex and showed it to the officer.

"Hmph! Guess this is good enough. I am officer Jenny and I apologize for how I acted earlier. There has been a lot of crime recently and we are being kept on our toes."

"Do not worry about it, my beautiful lady. You can, however, apologize by going on a date with me. I can give whatever you need from a m-"


Gary hits Brock on the head and drags him away by his ear.

"I'm sorry for his behaviour. Have a great day." Ash apologized.

He then left to catch up with his friends.


"So, Brock... I wasn't aware that you were a flirty person." Ash said.

"It's in my genes. The Harrisons were always suckers for beautiful faces!" He admitted proudly.

"But still, that was officer Jenny you flirted with and she didn't seem quite in the mood for that." Gary said shuddering at the thought of a mad officer Jenny.

"That's the way how my dad got my mom." Brock shrugged.

"Is that so...."


The group went to the Pokemon center to have their Pokemon checked. They've also checked in a room with 4 beds. After they collected their Pokemon, Gary and Brock went to find a restaurant where they could eat while Ash went to the Cerulean gym.

Ash entered the dome-like building. He noted that the place was quite crowded so he assumed that there was a water show going on. The three sisters, during their free time, like to perform shows as they cannot leave their gym unattended.

He waited patiently for it to end, he enjoyed himself in the process. As the show ended the people left leaving only a few who were taking their time. Ash walked up to the sisters:

"Hello, miss?"

"Oh, hi! We are not doing autographs right now but we will do them at a later date." The pink-haired girl said who Ash recognized as Lily.

"I'm not here for an autograph. I'm Ash Ketchum and I was wondering if you're doing gym battles today?" He asked politely.

"Ah ok, well not at the moment but we'll do them in the afternoon." Another girl with blond hair said.

"Then, are there reservation options?"

"Of course! Nobody booked a time yet so you get the first pick." The last girl with indigo hair said.

"I'll book one for 3 o'clock then."

"Very well have a great day!" The three synchronized.

"You too, miss." Ash walked out of the building.

"Ashy! The restaurant is over there!" Gary yelled across the street pointing to the left.

"Coming!" Ash yelled back.


"You know Ash, the Waterflower sisters won't be easy to beat." Brock stated knowingly.

Ash smiled. "I know, that's why I already have a plan."

"Oh?" Gary questioned.

"Terrestrial Pokemon have disadvantages in the water but it also works the same for them."

Gary pats Ash's back.
"Good job you cheeky bastard."

Ash just smiles when suddenly he remembers something.

"Brock, what was the sisters' family name?" He asked seemingly thinking about something.

"Waterflower, why?"

The onyx-haired trainer groaned. "They're somehow related to that orange-haired girl."

Gary groaned too. "I just hope we don't run into her."

"Don't jinx it."

"What's going on?" Brock asked confused.

The duo proceed to explain the meeting with the girl. Needless to say, all of them were quite annoyed.


"...You jinxed it." Ash whispered to Gary.

"WHAT ARE YOU WHISPERING ABOUT!" The girl screamed, her fist raised in the air.

"Nothing you should worry about." He responded having a blank look in his eyes with a hint of annoyance.

"Now, what is going on here!?" Coming into the room, Violet shouted.

"SISTER! THAT'S THEM I TOLD YOU ABOUT!" Misted yelled out pointing aggressively and accusingly.

"O-oh, I see... Misty, please leave the room. I'll deal with them..." Violet said smiling at her sister.

Misty leaves as told having a smug look. The remaining Waterflower approaches the three trainers. Violet bows:

"I sincerely apologize for the behaviour of my sister. She told me about your less than pleasurable meeting. Misty always had behavioural issues."

"Don't sweat it. It's not you at fault." Gary waved off the apology.

"Thank you for understanding. Anyway, it is time for your battle right Ash?"

Violet leads them to a separate room with a big pool with small platforms on top of the water. They stand on opposite sides. Before they start Ash notices a small tank in the viewing area and he asks:

"Miss, could I let out one of my Pokemon into that tank to watch? There is a new member, you see and they have not had much experience."

"Of course."


Ash puts Stryker into the tank.
"Hey Stryker, we are in the Cerulean gym and you won't be battling today. Instead, you will be watching." He whispers in a soft voice.

The Horsea nods and Ash went back to where his designated place.

"I choos-"

As he was sending out his first Pokemon, a certain banshee voice screamed:



I apologize for the wait. I have been busy and lacking motivation. Thank you for reading.

P.S. None of this is proofread, disregard the mistakes.

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