Chapter 17

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"We should hurry, I think a storm is settling in," Brock remarked.

The wind whistled as their hair swayed aggressively. Tiny raindrops already formed and fell on their heads.

Gary checked the map on his Pokedex.

"There's a pokemon center near albeit there's still a distance."

"Will we make it?"

"We will but we might still get a bit wet." He affirmed.

"Well then, we better hurry. Come along now, pumpkin." He urged as they picked up the pace.




"STOP YELLING AND FOCUS ON RUNNING!" Brock screamed at them while holding Arielle.

All in all, they were drenched.

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, Ash saw a faint orange-y light.




They turned towards the direction that Ash was pointing. They also saw the light.

The raven-haired trainer arrived last to the light.

"... Charmander?"

There was a thin and feeble-looking Charmander curled on a rock. It was also holding a large leaf, covering the barely lit flame of its tail.

Recognizing Ash and Gary, it smiled weakly.

"I knew Damien wasn't fit for him!" Gary gritted his teeth.

"Come on, let's go." Ash brought Charmander under the cloak that he was wearing.

He was concerned about it. The tail flame of the Charmander line represents one's life force. This one was probably going to die if it doesn't get help soon.

They resumed running while the Charmander's flame got smaller and smaller...

Eventually, they got to the Pokémon center. The trainers got up to the reception.

"Nurse Joy! Please save this Charmander! It was in the rain for who knows how long with only a leaf to cover his flame!" Ash pleaded.

Nurse Joy took a look at his arms.
"Chansey! Bring the stretcher we got a code S!"

In a matter of seconds, a large pink Pokémon brought the stretcher. Ash placed the Pokémon on it and it was wheeled away.

After a few minutes, they headed to the bathroom to change clothes. As they were getting back to the main room, Brock asked:
"Who's Damien and how do you know him? Gary had mentioned him earlier."

"Damien was one of the people in Pallet town that started their journey at the same time as us. While I chose Pedro and Ash Anahita, Damien chose Charmander. Both us and professor Oak knew that it wasn't a good idea to give him a starter but we couldn't just do something as he hasn't done anything openly." Gary said Damien's name with a disgusted face.

"I see, you couldn't prevent him without the proof that you didn't have."

The others nodded.

They went back to the reception to check up on Charmander. The group stood in front of the desk waiting for nurse Joy to come out.

While waiting, they overheard some boys surrounding another one talking.

"Damien, so what did you do with that no good Charmander?" One of them asked.

"Haha! I left it on a rock. I bet that it's still waiting for me there wagging its tail!" Damien laughed.

Damien had dark cyan hair and he was quite tall for his age. He almost always had an arrogant smirk etched onto his face, which Ash noted to be quite annoying.

After hearing his words, Ash was livid.
'How could there be such a disgusting being still roaming freely in the world?'

His face darkened as he walked toward Damien.
'I ought to wipe that smirk off his face.'

Noticing Ash approaching him, he raised his head even more than it already was, as if to look down upon him.
"What's up, Squirt!"

Squirt was the nickname that the almighty Damien has so graciously bestowed upon him since he had a rather small stature.

Ash did not utter a single word. Instead, he kept his head down, hiding his widened eyes, and continued to slowly step toward him.

"I see you finally know your pla-"



The people in the whole room looked at Ash for all different reasons.

'How dare he slap the leader!?'

'Holy crap! How strong is he to knock Damien down with just a hit!?'

'I've never seen him with this kind of face, he looks a bit scary...'

'Oh damn... He raised his hand...'

A vast range of emotions filled the heads of the people.

"You! How dare you h-"

Damien froze at Ash's gaze.

The sound of Damien's face being smacked had been satisfying. So satisfying that Ash couldn't help but smile with unsettling glee.

Although he had a delicate smile on, his eyes did not share the same emotion. Instead, it was cold as the peak of Mt. Cornet.

He was shocked at his newfound strength even though it did not show on the outside. Ash examined his hand with a barely noticeable transparent blue glow. The glow felt like a familiar yet comforting coat that comfortably wrapped around his forearm. The trainer's smile grew larger. He looked at the cyan-haired teen who awoke from his stupor and got up to rush at Ash in a fit of rage.

'Heh, I might as well make use of this.'

He clenched his hand into a fist.

When Damien got close enough, Ash gave him an uppercut and punched him in his gut. As he was doubled over, Ash raised his leg and bashed the other's head with his heel onto the ground.

Damien's head was bleeding a bit and he was out cold.

Ash looked toward the other people surrounding him.


They didn't need to be told twice. Abandoning their loyalty to their so-called leader, they all rushed to their room.

Brock looked at Gary hoping to have some sort of explanation for the scene that happened. Gary shook his head as if to say that it wasn't the right time.

"Brock, give me the medical kit.''

"Huh? Ahh uh, yes!"

Brock passed the kit on the counter to him. Ash gave him a nod.

Ash bandaged up Damien's head and put him flat on the ground.

"Call the police, I'm going back to my room.'' Ash left to go to his resting quarters.

Being caught up with calming his emotions, he did not notice the burns on his forearm and the luminescent blood that dripped off them.


Badass Ash, we love to see it!

Anyway, hello!
I'm sorry that it has been a while since I updated.  I haven't had any ideas for a while.

I have a question:
What Pokemon should hatch out of the group's eggs?

I'm open to any Pokemon whether or not the said Pokemon is within the region of Kanto. But for Ash, I don't want him to hatch a Riolu, I think it's way too overused in Aura!Ash fics.

Also, I'm not quite good at keeping personalities consistent, so, sorry.

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