Chapter 18

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One in black, hurt by blood,
Shall awaken a gift and rise above.
Though hurt by fate, he shall forgive,
For he knows that it's destined for him.

When the world is shrouded in darkness,
This hero shall come and disperse the madness.
One trial remains, before the aftermath:
Sacrifice some or suffer the impacts.


What do you think about this poem for the description? Should I edit it or is it alright?


The next morning, after he bandaged his arm, he went down to eat.

Although, he was confused.
'When did I get burned? I'm pretty sure that I didn't have anything that could burn me to this severity.'

As he walked down the hall, Damien's lackeys, when they saw him, would avoid getting in his way. One even jumped out the window. Ash found that to be very amusing.

'It seems like they haven't woken up.' He thought as he arrived at the reception.

"Good morning nurse Joy."

"Ah good morning Ash! How can I help you?"

The raven-haired trainer still wasn't used to the nurse Joys knowing his name without him introducing himself.

"How is Charmander?"

Ash wasn't worried as the nurse Joys were probably the best Pokémon healer in the world and they could heal any Pokémon injury with ease.

"She's in stable condition now. She is resting at the moment, would you like to see her?

He nodded. He wondered if Charmander held a grudge against him for not choosing her.

Ash came into the room where Charmander was in.

She opened her eyes.

The first thing that ash noticed was that her tail flame was significantly larger, but it still needed some time before it becomes a healthy size. The Pokémon still had tired eyes.

Charmander!~ She greeted despite her sleepiness.

"Hiya bud, how do you feel?"

Mander~ Charmander seemed to say in a reassuring tone.

"That's good, but I have a question."

She looked at him intently, waiting for him to continue.

"Would you like to joi-" Ash didn't even finish his sentence when Charmander jumped into his arms.

Charmander!~ She yelled out. The Pokémon seemed to have been waiting for this question.

Ash smiled.
"Thank you. You should rest a bit more, you still aren't in top shape yet." Ash put Charmander back on the cushioned table and urged her to get some rest.

The fire-type obliged and closed her eyes.

The trainer watched the Pokémon nap for a few minutes before he went out of the room.

He went back to the reception room, greeting nurse Joy on the way. As he arrived, his friends greeted him. It seems that they woke up while he was visiting Charmander.

"Good morning Ashy!"
"Hiya Ashy-boy!"
"Hello, Ash."

His friends said.

"Mornin'" He waved in return.

"Hey what happened to your arm?" Brock asked looking at his bandaged limb.

"Honestly, I don't know myself." Ash shrugged. "I just woke up with my arm bleeding."

Accepting the answer, Gary asked:
"Also, what was that yesterday? I don't remember you being that strong."

Ash was confused for a moment before he recalled yesterday's event. He furrowed his brows, he wasn't sure where that bout of strength came from either.

"I was pretty angry at the time, I think it that it was the adrenaline." Ash chalked it up.

"That's possible. Have you heard about the woman that lifted her car to save her child a few years ago? I think it's similar." Brock compared the two events.

"Can that really happen? Aren't cars very very heavy?" Arielle asked puzzled.

"I guess so." Gary responded.

"Anyway, when are we heading out?" Brock asked.

"We should rest here for another day until Charmander recovers. By the way, what happened to Damien?" The black-haired trainer asked.

"We pressed the button and an officer took him away."

"Then, what happened with his Pokémon?"

"I'm not sure, they were also taken by the officer." Gary responded.

Ash nodded in understanding, signaling the end of the conversation.

They went to get breakfast. When Ash was finished, he started to put Arielle's hair up into a braid, but it was a bit crooked because of his hand.

For the whole day, the group mostly trained their Pokémon and played with Arielle. They also got a few laughs when they saw a few of the lackeys go out of their way to avoid Ash.

Before they knew it, night fell and it was time to rest again.

I'm sorry that this was cut a bit short, but it's been over a month since I've updated so I had to get something out.

Nonetheless, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

(P.s. Please dismiss any mistakes, I will correct them later)

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