chapter 27

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"The day after tomorrow," you told yourself. that's right the day after tomorrow was December 13th the day everything kick starts; you packed a set of clothes. "Do you have everything?" you looked to see Ran, you nodded and said "yep I do I'll be back tomorrow night, I know on the 13th they'll want to spend the day with Ciel just them" Ran nodded, but she could see you were worried. "Is everything ok?" she asked you nodded "yeah, just thinking that's all I had better get going" she smiled and said "alright, I'll see you tomorrow night and have fun" you nodded. she took your bag to the carriage; you went to get the cake you made for Ciel.

Once you had it you left to go there 'I want them to live, I wanted to change things here but I can't change everything, death said they need to die and there right if Ciel isn't taken, no contract, no Sebastian I mean I could of made it, but then things would be more messed up but I can change a few things like madam red, maybe joker and everyone? I can't not all of them, I need to make a plan on who can and can't ask death who is someone I can't save, like Rachel and Vincent and who is a maybe and go from there each arc I'll do it one by one the first major one madam red' you thought. "Miss where here" you hared snapping you out of your thoughts and looked nodding, getting out and going up to the door knocking.

Tanaka answered smiling at you, you smiled back 'after what happens I'll visit him and help him recover' you thought. he led you into the living room and said "master lady (name) is here" Vincent looked and said "thank you Tanaka" you went over and said "I made a birthday cake for Ciel for later, I know his birthday is the day after tomorrow" Vincent smiled. "that's fine he's been looking forward to this, are you sure you don't want to stay tomorrow night?" you shook your head "it's ok, I know hed likely want it to be just you two for his birthday, that's why I'm staying tonight and all day tomorrow" you told him, you felt so bad not saying but you had to keep it to yourself Vincent understood.

"(name)!" you heard and looked to see Ciel. he came over you smiled Rachel came in and said "already here" "she just got here," Vincent told her. "well dinner will be an hour, have you eaten?" she asked you shook your head "no I haven't eaten yet, since I knew I was coming here I made a birthday cake for Ciel, I know it's the day after tomorrow" "well why don't we have half tonight, and the other half tomorrow then and it looks lovely, you have a talent for baking" "I don't, it's just a simple cake the chef back home had to help me, they got everything prepared and even helped mix, I at most gave them the ingredients to mix" you felt a little bashful Rachel chuckled and had a maid take it to the kitchen.

Ciel then took you to play "they are so adorable," Rachel told Vincent. he nodded "yes, and I know if anything happens to us, she will be there for him and look after him, and when old enough make a wonderful wife" Rachel chuckled "a little young for that aren't they? there what 8 and 9" he nodded. "Yes, but with my work I have enemies and I never know, but I'm confident in this when Ciel does eventually take over from me as the guard dog, he will have a wonderful wife to help him and support him in her own way like you" she nodded. you went to Ciel's room to play "hey Ciel" he looked at you "tomorrow well do whatever you want since it's your birthday the day after, and I won't be here for that so let's pretend tomorrow is" he nodded and said "ok (name)! I can't wait to have some of the cake you made, your cakes are always the best!" you smiled with a small blush. "Thanks!" you told him 'At times I hate having an older mind in a child's body ugh' you thought.

Soon dinner time came, you enjoyed it just talking laughing inside though it was killing you, but you swore to yourself tomorrow will be Ciel's best day ever. once everyone had eaten their dinner a slice of cake was brought out, it was a simple vanilla cake with small bits of chocolate on top nothing too fancy everyone enjoyed it. "Can (name) stay in my room tonight?" Ciel asked his parents "do you want to (name)?" Rachel asked. you nodded you didn't mind, at bedtime, Rachel came in tucking you both in and reading you and Ciel a story that Ciel picked.

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