chapter 4

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You were nearly 6 months now 'wow times gone fast' you thought you were in your pram as your family was out for the day, Edward holding onto the pram you could only see up so Francis face Alexis the sky and people passing. As they were out one of Francis friends saw she came over and said: "Francis it's been so long how are you?" "I'm fine Lilly yourself?" she asked Lilly said, "oh I'm fine, my Edward's certainly grown practically a gentleman, oh and who's this?" Alexis picked you up 'finally a different view' you thought "this is our daughter (name)" he said Lilly said, "my she certainly takes after her mother doesn't she, how old is she if I can ask?" "Not at all Lilly she's almost 6 months, and already advanced" you could hear the pride in her voice not that you could blame her since you were already doing things before other babies.

 As they were out one of Francis friends saw she came over and said: "Francis it's been so long how are you?" "I'm fine Lilly yourself?" she asked Lilly said, "oh I'm fine, my Edward's certainly grown practically a gentleman, oh and who's this?" A...

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(The pram)

You looked "oh how?" Lilly asked curiously "at 2 months she sat up alone without help, no doubt she will be speaking or crawling, after all, she has not only midford blood but that of the phantomhive family in her," Francis said to her friend 'ok I think I'm her favourite or something now? Though Lizzy might take that spot but for now I'll enjoy it' you thought. Lilly nodded and said "yes she certainly dose, and no doubt be like her older brother it was wonderful to see you all again, I do hope you can come to a party I'm throwing soon it's one child can attend if you do come we can talk more then"

Francis nodded and said "of course Lilly goodbye" "yes goodbye Francis, Alexis, young Edward and little (name)" she waved as she did you waved and said "bye-bye!" they looked at you, you looked at them and thought 'what? Have I got something on my face?' "Did (name) just speak?" Edward asked Alexis said, "I believe so, dear did you hear it too?" Francis said "yes, she did my 5 months almost 6 months and talking" 'wait I just spoke!?' you blinked thinking to yourself. Alexis carried you "mother who was that lady just?" Edward asked Francis said "that is an old friend Edward, the last time I saw her was when you were about 3 she went abroad something to do with her husband's company" he nodded.

When you got back Edward said "say Edward (name), e-d-w-a-r-d" he tried to sound it out 'yeah I'm gonna make him work for it, but I didn't even realise I said bye-bye huh oh well' you thought to yourself. You decided to act like a baby and said "bye-bye!" and giggled waving at him "no Edward, Edward!" he said 'oh I'm enjoying this, mmm do I leave him until last or Alexis? I'm very tempted to copy a swear or something, now that will be funny but not yet ill save that until I find the right target for that, ill enjoying seeing Francis go angry on them for making her daughter swear, and Alexis not liking his daughter swearing' you thought, this kept up Edward trying to get you to say his name soon Alexis joined in.

You decided to humour him "da......da......" "Yes (name)! Yes, dada daddy, you can say it come on my little princess!" he nodded to you saying, you gave a small smirk closed your eyes and said "bye-bye!" you gave the biggest gummy smile as you said that you glanced at Francis. she had a small smirk 'ok I've become her favourite, even more, oh I know how to get more brownie points' you thought you looked at Alexis he hung his head sad. you crawled over you'd been practising in secret you now had enough strength to at least support yourself and crawl you rubbed his head and squealed.

"well now seems my daughter is a prodigy in the works, she's hitting all of her milestones very yearly she sat up and smiled at 2 months, spoke at 5 months now crawling at 5 months," she said as she sipped her tea. Alexis looked and scooped you up and said "you'll say daddy right (name)?" you put your head to the side acting cute and confused. a butler came in and said "mistress this just arrived for you" she looked and took the letters and read them, Alexis went over holding you as he did you looked 'so I can still read thank god I can, huh that lady from earlier a ball invite, and let's see oh one to go see ciel yay ok I'm keeping the reading thing a secret' you thought.

Alexis said, "do you want to go to the party?" Francis looked at him and said "yes it would be rude if we did not go without a good reason not to, and it will do Edward good to see children his own age and build relations with them outside of his lessons" Alexis nodded understanding her thinking. You were put next to Francis you looked up at her, she rubbed your head you put your hands on her hand saying keep doing that I like it. she smiled 'she might be scary and strict but for her family she adores them, I mean the few times we see her with Lizzy she adores her and she adores ciel to like with the coming over and celebrating his birthday, I'm starting to see her in a new light but I don't want to get on her wrong side imagine her with William' you thought and slightly shuddered at the last part of your thought.

As she did that you said "mmmmm...........mama!" she looked and put you on her knee Alexis said, "why didn't she say dada!" Francis said "she will say soon" you yawned getting comfy and leaned your head on her chest going asleep, you were slowly getting used to your little family a crazy overprotective almost yandare brother, a very very loving father a strict but caring mother who will do anything for her family. You enjoyed messing with them but it was still a family, you missed your family from your last life but where happy you got this family now.

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