Dance With Me

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The young man stands just outside the growing crowd, cheeks pink and hands frozen as he watches the inexperienced group of teenagers with cheap equipment singing their hearts out to 80s Christmas hits. Their voices, once shaky with uncertainty, now ring loud and clear as grinning shoppers stop their conversations to sing along.

The man watches as, one by one, they pair off and begin dancing, hearts light as they miss beats. The twinkling fairy lights cascading from the sky make the scene appear timeless, something seen in a movie and never to be replicated in real life.

The man watches as toddlers and teenagers alike drag their playfully resisting parents by the hand to join the fray of dance, only to shriek in delight seconds later as they're twirled in a circle.

The man watches as an elderly man in a wheelchair spins in slow circles with his grandson on his lap, both of their eyes shining with utter love and happiness.

The man watches as the buskers realise the moment they have created, as they take in the scene of mismatched strangers dancing with others in the middle of one of the busiest streets in the city, to their voices. He watches them realise this, and he hears their voices shake once again, but for a different reason.

But, admittedly, what the young man is watching most of all is the young woman standing across from him, eyes taking in the scene with such wonderment that he can't help but imagine that this really is a scene from a Christmas movie, just that nobody thought to tell him. Clothed hands still at her sides, the woman sways unknowingly to the music, pink lips whispering the words to a song he can no longer hear. The golden lights catch the subtle highlights in her hair, putting her under an invisible spotlight.

The man watches as a sudden gust of wind appears and knocks her scarf askew, exposing a delicate chain on her neck only for her to fix it in seconds, eyes never leaving the dancers and lips never stilling.

He watches as she sighs, her eyes downcast for a few moments as she considers the pavement. He watches her flex her empty hands, and as she pushes them into her coat pockets. He watches as the shimmering lights dull in her eyes and she steps back a fraction from the edge of the crowd now encircling the dancers, allowing eager couples to push past.

Now, Shawn has never been one to approach a stranger in public. He always tended to wait for people to come up to him first. It was easier that way. But there is something about this night in particular, with this cheerful Christmas music and grinning people, with the glowing lights and the clear sky, that makes him want to break this habit. There's something about the girl with the empty hands and wistful eyes that makes him want to run up to her and beg her to dance with him.

So, with a deep breath, he does just that.

"Hey!" Shawn stops in front of the girl, trying to smile as friendly as he can while pushing his hands further into his pockets in embarrassment.
The girl looks up and Shawn feels the breath knock out of him when her eyes catch his. Breathtaking indeed.
"Hello," she smiles warmly, though she seems wary.
For a beat, no one says anything. The music seems to fade in the background.
"Would you- I just... I was watching y-" Shawn stops, shaking his head as he feels his face heat up. He doesn't dare meet the girl's eyes again. Clearing his throat, he tries again. "Would you like to dance with me?"
Silence again. Until there isn't. "I'd like that." Suddenly all the background noise whooshes back into focus.
Shawn looks back up immediately, heart stopping at the sight of the smiling girl with the blushing cheeks. "Yeah?" Seeing her nod, he gently grabs her hand resting at her side and leads her into the carousel of swaying bodies.

Her hand fits perfectly in mine.

The music swells as their eyes lock once more, hands clasped between them until they separate and end up resting on the other person.

"I'm Shawn, by the way," he leans down close to her ear so she can hear him.
"Y/N." Her smile outshines the brilliantly lit sky.

No other words are exchanged as the two strangers begin to move, feet clumsy but hands certain. The bitterness of the night air gives way to a feeling of utter warmth and contentment as the two lazily shuffle their way through song after song, slowing to a sway at times as the songs become solemn, only to simply hold hands and jump as the pace regains its excitement. They are levitating.

They dance together, Shawn and Y/N, for a time that neither notice flying by. They dance until their feet ache and their throats sting from singing, until the group of teenagers slow their performance to a close and the remaining crowd roar their approval.

Even then, when the music has vanished into a memory and the streets begin to empty, they do not let go of each other's hands. Instead, Shawn intertwines their fingers. Hand in hand, they walk into the twinkling night, hearts full of promise and steps light with hope.

Neither know what is going to happen next, but they're excited to find out.

- - - - - -

Ha.. ha.... Hahaha....
Soooo... I've forgotten how to write. That's probably pretty clear after reading that mess. But I'm trying to find that love for words again, and I hope you'll stay with me as I stumble.

I hope you're all well. Times are tough but always look for the bright spots. Look for the Christmas lights.

Thanks for reading xx

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