Sweet vs Sour Pt.1

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A/N: strong language. Over 4000 words.
(Also I'm neither in college or American so I apologise for any inaccuracies.)

Shawn isn't a bad person. He knows that. But he also knows that many people would disagree with him.

The high school version of him was quiet, reserved. People usually left him alone with his thoughts, only sometimes observing him from afar with curious glances. Occasionally girls would approach him, confidence radiating from them as if they were sure that today was the day they'd get the infamous Shawn Mendes to speak to them.

They were rarely right.

And if they were right, it was only because he had told them to 'fuck off'.

When college rolled around, he had thought that maybe this was his time to make amends, to forget old habits of isolating himself and change the way in which people saw him. It was his chance to start afresh.

However, old habits die hard, and after punching someone on the first day, his reputation was built for him - whether he liked it or not.

From then on he was known as the campus's 'bad boy', occasionally getting into fights and known for his withering glares that could make even the bravest scamper away with their tail between their legs.

He kept to himself, not speaking to anyone unless he deemed it necessary, and pretended not to notice the longing looks he got from girls and boys alike as he strolled past. Because as dangerous as they thought he was, no one could deny his captivating good looks. Add those looks to his bad-boy persona, and he was just about every girls' teenage dream.

But it wasn't him, they wanted - and he knew this. They wanted to be the one to 'change' him, to be able to say that they were the person to break through the bad-boy exterior. They wanted the cliché good-girl-saves-bad-boy storyline, the kind that only happens in books. It didn't matter who he was inside, that he was a person just like them. It was the thrill they sought.

Shawn never gave them the chance though. He kept his secrets close to his chest and built walls up so high around him that no soul could ever penetrate them.

This was all true, until the day he met her.


Y/N was early. This wasn't an irregular occurrence, she always likes to leave time to get to places, but today she was unreasonably early. Class wouldn't begin for another twenty minutes, yet here she is, sitting in the back of an empty classroom with nothing but the novel sitting in her hands for company. The consistent ticking of the clock is the only thing preventing the room from falling into a deep silence, and she's grateful for it. Silence never bode well with Y/N.

The sound of her turning the page every few minutes flickers through the air, the noise only amplified from lack of accompaniment. She glances towards the door every few sentences, unable to concentrate on the words fully until she sees someone walk through it.

Just as she's resigned herself to being alone, the door clicks open suddenly, causing her to jump slightly. Her gaze locks on the boy strolling in, books in one hand and apple in the other.

Shawn Mendes.

While Y/N was never one for gossiping about other students, especially ones she didn't know, everyone knew about Shawn. His stories spread around the school like wildfire, altercations being made along the way so by the time it reached the last person, the tale sounded far more thrilling than it actually was.

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