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"Shawn?" I call, throwing my jacket on a nearby chair.
"In here!" His voice answers from the direction of his music room, which he claims is a necessity.
I walk in to the beautiful sound of my fiancé strumming the guitar, instantly relieving my stress, even if only for a minute or two. His back is to me so he doesn't notice when I smooth back my hair and wipe my eyes in a feeble attempt to look less exhausted.

"Hi," I whisper as I wrap my arms around him from behind, my head buried in the crook of his neck.
He stops playing and lifts his head up to kiss me on the forehead. "How was work?"
"Oh you know... same old same old." I force a smile on my face. I move to leave the room, the knowledge that I still have to make dinner playing on my mind. Shawn always insists that he too can cook and not just leave it up to me, but after a few attempts I decided it was safer for both of us if I do it from now on. The fire alarm blaring three times in a week tends to make a person more cautious.

Before I can move however, Shawn stands up and grabs my hand, studying my face with furrowed eyebrows. I try to avoid eye contact, instead staring at the swallow tattoo on the hand gently holding mine.
"Y/N?" Shawn asks softly. "What's wrong? No offence, darling, but you look stressed."
"Nothing-" Shawn raises an eyebrow, catching the lie straight away. I take a deep breath and try again. "I look stressed because I am, okay? Work is being a pain in the ass and if I have to get up before 5 am one more time this week I think I might physically whack my head against a wall. Not to mention I haven't had a chance to eat since 8 this morning. I can't do it anymore, Shawn." I give up all pretence of having my life together and I slump forward onto his chest. I close my eyes and breathe in his familiar, comforting scent.
"Hey, hey look at me Y/N," Shawn says softly, gently lifting my head off his shoulder and tilting my chin so he can see my eyes. "Everything will be okay, I promise you. Why didn't you tell me sooner that things were getting too much? I could've called your boss I-"
"No! That's exactly why I didn't tell you! Because you'll fix it. I want to do this on my own, Shawn. I rely on you too much already..." I trail off, noticing the hurt look in his eyes. "Thank you though." I kiss his forehead.
He pulls me into a hug, his strong arms wrapping around me protectively. "I'm sorry. I'll let you sort it out yourself if that's what you really want but Y/N? At least promise me that you'll talk to your boss about your working hours?"
"I promise," I mumble against his chest. We stand there for a few minutes, letting the silence envelop us and we hold each other.

After a while I reluctantly pull out of his warm embrace. "I need to make dinner," I explain, seeing the confused expression on his oh-so-gorgeous face.
"No. You don't. Tonight we will be ordering pizza and watching TV. You will not be doing any work at all if I can help it." I open my mouth to protest but he continues. "I swear to god Y/N if I catch you so much as washing a fork I'll be making dinner for the next month, and I know we both don't want to suffer through that."
I laugh. "Okay, okay. You win. Pizza it is. But since I'm not allowed do anything I expect you to carry me," I smirk, not expecting him to actually do it. After all these years I should know not to suggest things like this. Before I know it I'm being swept off my feet and carried bridal-style to the living room, where I am carefully dropped onto the couch. Shawn raises an eyebrow in a don't think I won't do it again kind of way. I roll my eyes. "And where's the promised pizza?"
"I'm on it!" He grins, grabbing his phone out of his back pocket.


"I can't believe you let me eat that much," I groan, weakly pointing an accusatory finger at Shawn who is equally as slumped on the other side of the couch.
"Me? Sorry miss I-bet-you-can't-eat-six-slices-in-two-minutes but I had more important things on my mind than keeping track of how much you were eating - for example not throwing up those six slices of pizza." He glares at me, but by the slight tell-tale lift of the corner of his mouth I know he's not really mad at me.
"Hey, look on the bright side. At least now we know that you can do it!"
He rolls his eyes in response.

"C'mere," he motions feebly for me to come over with his eyes closed.
"Why should I have to move?"
"Just do it."
"Ugh, fine. If I must." I crawl over and settle myself between his extended legs, my back against his chest. He grabs a blanket from the back of the couch and covers us with it, wrapping his arms around me in the process. I close my eyes in content. This is where I belong.

"Hey, Shawn?" I begin after a few moments of lying in silence.
"Sing to me."
I hear him sigh, but there is no malice behind it. "Anything for you, Y/N." I feel him kiss my forehead and he clears his throat before his beautiful voice fills the air, edged with huskiness from being tired.
"Wise men say only fools rush in
But I can't help falling in love with you.
Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin?
If I can't help falling in love with you?"
I feel myself beginning to drift off, the comfort of Shawn's arms around me and his familiar voice finally making me forget anything I was ever stressed about. And as I fall asleep, my final thought is that I love this man.

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Hey guys! My name is Aimee and welcome to my imagines book! This is my first time doing something like this so bear with me. To any new readers I might have - hi! It's great to have you here! I just wanted to let you know that when I am writing this book there will be no sort of writing schedule due to reasons (old readers you know what's up!). Sorry but it's better for me this way. Anyway enough of this, thanks for reading and enjoy the rest! Xx

Shawn Mendes Imagines Where stories live. Discover now