Chapter 2

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"Shit" the blonde mumbled under her breath, both of them were gone. That's when she saw the little girl that looked at her from the back sit of the car. She looked three, maybe four, and had a nasty cut on her forehead "Hello there" she said smiling with a calm voice trying to convey some of that calm to the little girl "What's your name?" she asked

"Ella" she heard the girl mutter 

"Hi Ella, I'm Maya and I'm going to get you out of here" she explained and started looking around. The back doors were blocked by some of the cars that were part of the accident so the only way of getting her out was through one of the front doors. The thing is that implied making the girl literaly walk over her parents "Can you do me a favor?" the woman asked getting into the car, approaching the girl as much as she could starting to unbuckle her "I know it can be really scary, it's okay to be scared" she said and the girls looked down at the woman's hands "and because it is really scary I need you to close your eyes as tight as you can and I'm gonna get you out of here" 

"Mommy and daddy?" the girl asked and Maya took a deep breath, how do you explain this to a kid 

"I'm going to send someone to look for them" she said feeling guilty as soon as she finished the phrase 

"Okay" the little blonde said after a few minutes of silence, reaching her arms up towards the firefighter whom immediately picked her up and felt the little girl hold tight to her and hide her little face in her neck. 

Maya made her way out of the car as fast as she could and walked towards an aid car with the girl in her arms. She tried to put the girl down but the toddler had no intention of loosening her grip. The blonde rubbed the girl's back until the little one relaxed finally letting go of the woman's neck. 

"How's everyone?" Maya asked to Andy while Ella was being examined

"Good, some burns, a couple of broken bones, a major abdominal laceration over there but other than that" She answered and looked to where her captain was looking "How's the girl?" she asked

"Scared, nasty cut on her head but she'll be okay" she answered "Her parents are gone" the blonde said and heard her friend sigh 

"She's going to need stitches, but I can't do it here so I'll have to bring her to the hospital with me" the man said and Maya nodded 

"Maya..." the little one called, she was scared, she didn't know were her parents where and the only one she kind of knew was the firefighter   

"Hey, I'm here" she said softly. Maya had gotten so much better at dealing with kids "It's okay, they just need to fix that cut you have going on over there" she said pointing to the top of the girl's head "You'll be okay" 


"Maya?" Carina asked with a confused expression on her face. Seeing the blonde at the hospital was not something usual "Everything okay?" she quickly asked looking around for any injured firefighters 

"Hi! Yeah we are all fine" she answered to her wife "there was a massive car accident so I was just checking how was everyone doing" the blonde said which wasn't a lie, she was checking on the people involved but she was also looking for a certain little blonde

"Yeah I heard about the car crash" she said "is everyone okay?" she asked her wife 

"Have you seen a little girl around?" she asked not being able to hold the question any longer "Her name's Ella she's like three or so" she explained "I mean she was fine but she needed stitches" 

"No I haven't but she's probably with one of the nurses" the Italian said "I'll help you look for her" she said noticing how anxious Maya was 

After some time walking around she saw her. The girl looked so small on the big hospital bed. They were already done with her, Maya assumed they were looking for any family member that could take care of her. Ella was sat on the edge of the bed, moving her feet back and forth, looking at her hands. 

"Carina, hi!" a nurse said approaching the two women "thought you were on the other floor" 

"I was" the brunette aswered "I just came here to see if anyone needed help" she explained. Maya until that moment had been quiet listening to the conversation that was happening next to her but not really paying attention to it. All her attention was on the little girl just a few steps away from them. Carina noticing that his wife was not really there decided to see what had the blonde so focused "Is that Ella?" she asked, pulling Maya out of her thoughts earning a nod

"Ella Brooks Edwards, four years old" the nurse said gaining Maya's attention "She was on the car crash near the Seattle Bridge" the woman explained totally forgetting she was talking to one of the firefighters that were there "Unfortunately both parents passed away at the scene and we have not been able to contact more relatives. She had a fairly deep gash on the side of her forehead that required 8 stitches. After doing some tests looking for something else to worry about and not finding anything, she is good to go. She will be discharged as soon as social services arrive" 

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