Chapter 8

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"Let's go take a nice bath bella" Carina said to the little four-year-old that was struggling to keep her eyes open 

Ella was used to taking at least a nap throughout the day but today she didn't so she was struggling to stay awake until night-time. Although it was still early, Carina wanted to get Ella ready for bed, knowing the four-year-old was going to have an early sleep  

In the bathroom, Carina filled the tub while the toddler looked at her from the door 

"Come here Elle" she called for the girl who slowly walked towards her "Do you want me to help you or do you prefer to do it on your own?" the Italian asked not knowing if the girl was comfortable enough 

"Help?" the girl said too tired to do it by herself 

"Arms up bella" Carina said helping the girl to take the shirt off. The brunette slowly took the shirt off and when she did she noticed a few purple and yellow stains on the girl's arms. She, being careful not to hurt the toddler, touched the bruises making the toddler open her eyes taking a step back 

"Hurt" the girl said looking at her hands 

"I'm sorry baby" she said as the girl gave her a little nod "What happened there?" she asked as she helped the girl finish undressing and getting into the tub 

"I was bad" the girl said shruggring 

Ella woke up in the middle of the night shaken up by a nightmare. She remembered the day of the accident and that led the girl to wake up sweating, gasping for air. 

The other girl in the room quickly called the caregiver that took care of them at nights 

"Ella, you need to calm down... it was just a nightmare" the woman said entering the room followed by the girl Ella shared her bedroom with 

The toddler couldn't listen to what the woman was saying. The image of her parents wouldn't leave her mind. 

The girl could feel how her chest clentched as tears ran down her face. She felt like she couldn't breath, the air wasn't getting to her lungs. 

"Come on Ella is late..." the woman said a little less softly, not having the patience or the ability to identify the panic attack the girl was having. The toddler did hear the subtle change in the woman's voice, so she did try to stop crying but she couldn't "Stop crying!" the woman said losing her patience, taking the little girl by her arms and shaking her roughly. The caregiver tired of the girl, let go of her and left the room 

Ella quickly held tight to Cuddles trying to calm herself down. That was a long night for the four-year-old  

"What do you mean?" the woman asked softly earning a shrugger from the little girl that didn't really want to talk about it "You know what is missing here?" the Italian asked realizing that the girl wasn't going to speak anymore about it 

"What?" the girl asked tilting her head to the side 

"How could I forget?" she said making a shocked expression "A bubble bath is not a bubble bath without the bubbles no?" 

"Not really" the girl said giggling  

"We should add some bubbles then" 


While her wife made sure to get Ella ready for bed, Maya spent time with Andrea. The woman was chasing the newly bathed little boy around while he crawled as fast as he could, resulting in a fit of laughter when his mom would finally catch him

"'mma" the blonde heard her boy say as he looked at something, or rather someone, behind her shoulder making the blonde turn around. Carina appeared from the hallway with Ella, half asleep on her arms

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