Chapter 4

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A whole month had passed since they last saw the little girl and Maya couldn't stop thinking about her. She still remembered the look on the kid's face when she realized her parents weren't coming back or when she had to leave with the social worker. She couldn't concentrate, everything took her back to that day, to that last look.

"Let's go Ella" the social worker said giving the kid a light smile while she held out her hand for the girl to hold "We need to go" she said 

The social worker talked with Maya for a few more minutes before she received a call from a group home that said they had a place for her and just like that it was time to leave 

"Home?" the kid asked. She had just understood that her parents weren't coming back, who was she going to live with now 

"Something like that" Leah answered thinking about the best way of explaining this to the little blonde "We are going to a place with a lot of other kids, and you are going to stay there for now" she said trying to make the place sound exciting

"I w'nt to go home" the girl said showing her emotions for the first time. Her eyes got watery as she looked down to her feet 

"I'm sorry sweetie" Leah said instantly feeling bad when she saw the first tear roll down the kid's face  "but you are going to have so much fun" she said trying to cheer the girl up "you are going to have new friends, and you will be able to play with them all you want" she said and saw how the girl's expression change 

"Cuddles" they heard Ella whisper "I need Cuddles" Cuddles was her stuffed bunny, her mom gave it to her for her birthday. She didn't go anywhere without him but this morning they left in a rush and the bunny ended up staying at home "I left him at 'ome" the girl said feeling her tears run down her cheeks "I 'ant Cuddles"  she said now fully crying 

The social worker didn't know what to do, she tried breathing with the girl but she didn't seem to listen she was crying and her breathing was becoming uneaven at every second. Carina quickly realized the girl wasn't just crying, she was on the edge of having a panic attack. She knew what those looked like  

"Bella?" Carina said as kneeled next to Leah in front of the girl "You need to breath bambina" she said showing her what she had to do. Ella was scared, she wanted her parents, and her home and Cuddles but she found Carina's voice quite soothing "Just like that" Carina smiled when she saw the girl finally calming down "That's much better" she said as the girl started to breath normally "They are going to go find Cuddles"

"Pwomise?" the girl asked whiping her tears 

"I promise" she said knowing they had to go to the girl house to get her belongins. It shouldn't be that hard to get the kid whatever Cuddles was 

Maya that until this time had stayed quiet just looked at the interaction between the little girl and her wife. She couldn't help but stare at her wife with pure adoration in her eyes, she felt like she fell in love everyday 

"She's right" the social worker finally said "You just need to tell us how does Cuddles look like and we will bring him to you"  she said as both women stood up "Why don't you tell me how he looks like in the car?" she said and Ella nodded a little unsure 

The little girl held the social worker's hand as she slowly started walking with the older woman. Maya and Carina looked at her as she walked away both of them with a strange feeling in the pit of their stomachs 

Before walking through the door, Ella suddenly stopped and looked back at the two women behind her and gave them a little wave before finally leaving the place. The girl had a look on her face... they couldn't explain what it was but it broke them.  

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