Chapter 11

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"Hi Ella, it's nice to see you again" the social worker said as she saw the little girl appear from the hallways. The little girl that certainly didn't expect to see Leah there, stopped in her tracks and looked at her with a little frown on her face. 

Leah had come to talk about Ella's placement, it was just a regular visit to make sure the girl was being taken care of. However, when she arrived the four-year-old was still asleep. 

"Hi! Please come in" Carina said to the social worker kindly as she stepped aside, leaving room for the woman to come into the house 

"Thank you" she said as she stepped into the house "Hi Maya" she said as she noticed the blonde woman approaching her 

"Hi" she said as she gave the woman a smile "How has everything been going?" she asked politely 

"Well, you know" she answered as the three of them started to walk towards the dining room's table "There are better days that others" she explained "Anyways, how have you been doing?" she asked going straight to the reason she was there 

"'mmy..." they all heard a little voice babble before the couple could answer the question 

"I'll be right back" she said as she stood up to go pick the little boy who played in his mat with some of his toys

"Well, hi Andrea" the social worker said smiling at the little boy that immediately let out a happy squeal followed by what the woman understood was a greeting "It's nice to see you too" she said as the couple laughed at the little interaction "Where's Ella?"  she asked looking around  

"'lla" the boy said repeating the girl's name 

"She hasn't woken up yet" the brunette said making the social worker nod 

"How is she?" the woman asked smiling at the little boy that played with his mom's fingers 

"She's great" the blonde answered "Just coming out of her shell... but we are getting somewhere" she explained knowing there still was a long road to go on. 

"Anything that you have trouble with?" the woman asked looking at the files that she had placed on the table 

"Well, we are having a bit of trouble at nights" the Italian answered making the woman in front of her look in her direction "Nightmares... At first it didn't happen as often, but now it's almost an every night thing" she explained earning an understanding nod 

"Most kids don't start having nightmares until at least two weeks into the placement so it's not strange for you not to notice them as frequently" she said earning a nod from both women "That being said, if it is something that interferes with her sleeping patterns to a point that is concerning, I would maybe ask a specialist" she said as an advice 

"Do you think that this could have anything to do with the separation anxiety?" the blonde asked making the social worker frown "She doesn't like it when we are gone" the woman explained "She is scared that one day we will just leave" 

"I mean it could be related" she said thinking about all possibilities "but again I would ask a specialist about it" she said earning a nod "Well, talking about your foster license I have to ask If you would like to renew it" Leah asked, changing the subject already knowing the answer 

"Of course, we would love to" the brunette stated, being supported by her wife who nodded at her wife's says  

"That's great" the woman said smiling at both of them "Well, Ella has been staying here for a little over three months, which is the usual length of provisional foster licenses" the woman commented as she looked for a specific paper "Your license will be extended for 6 months" she said handing them the paper that contain all the information she was telling them "There will be regular visits just as we have been doing but these will not be as often as you have proven to be the right fit for her" 

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