Chapter 14

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"Everything okay?" Carina heard a familiar voice ask through the phone, which immediately made her look at the toddler at her side.  

Ella's breakdown was a few hours ago and now she lay next to Carina in her home's sofa, as she watched TV.

"Yes, everything is fine" the Italian answered to her college and friend "We are okay now" she explained not wanting to give that much detail right now "How's Andrea?" she asked changing the subject. 

"He's okay" the blue-eyed woman said as she looked at the baby that played with some of her own son's toys "Want to say hi to mamma?" Amelia asked as she looked at the brunette. 

"'mma 'mma 'mma" the boy started babbling at the mention of her mother. 

"Ciao Andrea" the Italian said smiling at the soft sounds that came from her boy "Are you having fun with Aunt Amelia?" she asked chuckling at the response from the boy "Amelia?" 

"I'm here" the woman answered "Is it okay for me to drop him by?" she asked not sure if her friend needed more time "I still have a bit of a time off before I have to go to the hospital."

"It's okay really" the brunette said, not wanting to bother her friend "You have already helped me a lot... thank you."

"It's not a problem" she said dismissing her friend "I'll see you in a few" 

Ella and Carina had arrived home maybe an hour ago. Remembering all the stress the little girl had been through, the brunette decided to prepare her a nice, warm bath in hopes to get her to relax, and maybe even get her sleepy enough so she could rest. At least until Maya came home.

 The truth is all the way home Carina couldn't stop thinking on which was the best way to go from here. Things like this couldn't happen. It was not healthy for the girl to have this type of meltdowns when they were gone.

On her part, Ella felt finally at peace. Her head was quiet, and her chest wasn't clenching. Her breathing was normal, and it didn't seem like it was going to change any sooner. She was actually beginning to feel tired, Carina's soft voice acting as a soothing lullaby.

"Close your eyes bella" the brunette whispered to the toddler. She could see how tired she was, still, Ella didn't seem to be ready to go to sleep yet. That thought was soon confirmed when the little blonde stated shaking her head "What is it bambina?" she asked gently.

"Don't want mamma to go" she said staring at the brunette.

That word, there it was again. It was as it just now the Italian was able to process how Ella was referring to her. Before, she was too worried to realize that five-letter word. Her focus was completely on the little girl, she didn't miss it but there were more important things going on.

Right now, she didn't want to say anything about it, Carina was comfortable with anything Ella was... plus she loved to hear her babygirl calling her like that.

"I won't go anywhere" the woman replied reassuring the girl "I promise" she added as she noticed the girl's unsure face. At the statement Ella turned her attention back to the TV, even though she hadn't been paying attention to the show for a while "Come on bambina" the brunette whispered softly as she caressed the girl's forehead "Go to sleep, I'll be here all the time." 

After a few seconds Carina felt the girl's breathing change, it was a bit slower and heavier. Ella had finally given in, letting her body finally rest after all the things she had went through today.  


"I'm home" a certain blonde said as she entered the house closing the door behind her "Carina?" she called once she noticed everything a bit too quiet. Once you have two kids under the age of five, it's never this quiet. 

Our babygirl (Marina)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant