Chapter 10

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"'Rina..." a little, sleepy blonde whispered walking slowly into the room where the brunette slept "'Rina" she said once again taking another step into the room 

It was early in the morning and Ella had had a nightmare. It happened quite often but it was never that bad. Her nightmares were mostly about her parents and the accident. It started a few weeks ago, It would wake her up with an aching chest and a few tears on her face. Usually she was able to get herself to sleep after a few minutes but this time was different. 

Carina took a few minutes to wake up. She slowly sat in bed a little confused and still tired because of the night she had had. Andrea was not being a good sleeper tonight. Anyways she quickly woke up when she realized the presence of the little girl 

"Hi bella" Carina said as she reached to the night table to turn on the light "Come here" she said making the girl immediatelly run towards her "Everything okay?" she asked as the girl climbed up the bed and placed herself on her lap 

"Bad d'eams..." the girl whispered as she pressed herself into the brunette that had slowly began to run her fingers through the girl's blonde locks 

"There's some ugly dreams in that head of yours huh?" the Italian said softly to which the girl nodded "Do you want to tell me what was happening in you dream?" she asked making the toddler immediatelly shut her eyes as she shook her head 

"Sca'y" was the only thing that came out of the girl's mouth

"It's okay" the brunette said gently "you don't have to tell me right now" she said holding in a yawn that wanted to scape her mouth "Instead why don't you stay here with me?" the brunette asked making the girl look at her. Maya had an early shift so she had already left and honestly she wanted to make sure Ella had some rest "Would you like that?" she asked earning a little nod 

A soon as the four-year-old made herself comfortable next to her, the brunette started running her fingers through the girl's hair as she hummed a song underneath her breath. 

Ella tried to close her eyes and go to sleep but as soon as she did her mom and dad's face appeared in her head. The thing is it wasn't a nice image, it was them with their eyes closed and a lot of blood everywhere. She quickly opened her eyes and looked at the brunette next to her

"Close your eyes bella" the brunette said when she noticed the girl looking at her "You need to sleep" she said but Ella was just not ready to relive that image again so she shook her head. Carina quickly understood the little bonde was not ready to go to sleep, whatever happened in her dream was bad enough to keep her awake "Well, what do you want to do?" she asked softly 

"Story?" the girl answered after a few seconds of silence 

"Okey then"

That's how Carina's morning began. The toddler was out before she could even reach the middle of the story but then she heard Andrea fussing again through the baby monitor, which made her have to get up. By the time she was able to get the boy to sleep it was almost time to get up 

"Andrea..." the brunette whispered as she caressed the boy's belly causing him to move a little "Ciao bambino" she said when she noticed the boy opening his eyes 

"'mma" he said starting to strech his arms towards his mom, who didn't hesitate to pick him up 

"Morning" she said smiling when the boy hid himself on her neck "You ready to wake up?" she asked not really receiving an answer as she started to walk towards the living room  

"'mmy?" he asked instead, used to being woke up by the blonde in the mornings 

"She's at work" Carina answered as she sat on the sofa and placed the boy on her lap

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