The Visitors II

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Oh! It's been a very beautiful day! What would be the great thing to do this summer?

"Niel! Kindly clean the other room because we have visitors from Masbate." My uncle said.

"Yes, uncle. No worries." I answered.

I cleaned the room as what my uncle told me. Yes, I'm in my uncle's house which is in the other town.

Past noon when our visitors came. She was not old as what I'm thinking. She's at 5'4 with an aura of an quack doctor 'cause she's a real quack doctor. Haha!

She's with her son which I think at the age of 10.

We give them a warm welcome. We talk about our lives. Oh! They talk about their lives. Haha! I'm not a part of their conversation then.

It's evening already and everyone freshen up but my aunt and the visitor are still talking. Let's call her a "quack doctor" or "albularyo" in our own dialect.

I heard that this albularyo can heal any kinds of illness that was caused my supernaturals or paranormals.

So, I keep on listening to their conversation. Yeah! It was creepy but I'm interested when it comes to ghosts and aswangs.

"Tomorrow, you have to heal a man from "Yanggaw" of an aswang.'' My aunt said to the quack doctor.

"Okay. But for now we have to rest." The quack doctor said.

Then, we all get rest. Yes! I'm excited for tomorrow. I want to see a man who was being "yanggaw" by an aswang. By the way, "yanggaw" is an infected process of expanding their members - if you're infected, you're going to be one of them. Their process are through water, food or an airborne. And the main ingredient in doing that is their saliva. Yes, it's true because I was one who proved it. I forgot to tell you that an "aswang" is a Philippine Monster who knows how to shapeshift into a boar, dog, cat or any animals we know and it's always black. Some aswangs are categorized into a "wakwak" with wings, "tiktik" with long tongue.

Oh! I've experienced that in my previous chapter. Grrr! So creepy!

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