The Lost One

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It was a rainy day when my parents decided to spend their time at home instead of going to their jobs.

My mom wants to cook her creamy and delicious soup which is the best during rainy days. My dad is busy repairing the things which are broken.
After few minutes my mom's finally done cooking and then I call my dad to eat - then we did it.

We're so full with my mom's creamy soup. I tell my mom that I will wash the dishes and she agreed.

After washing the dishes, I saw that my mom and dad went to their room and go to sleep. I left alone in the living room but I don't care because I'm watching my favorite manga in a popular anime channel.

Time passes by and I already felt asleep. I keep on fighting my sleepiness and continue to watch.


Oh! While I keep on watching TV, the breeze of the wind enters the entire house and it is much cooler than a normal temperature. Then I realized that it is going to rain when I saw the window it was so dark and no stars above the sky.

Meanwhile, when I'm continuing to watch my favorite anime, the lights in the room where I am into started blinking. It seems that it is going to lose electricity. I'm afraid in the dark so I decided to turn off the TV, leave the living room and proceed to my bedroom.

Leading to my room and the main door opens and ...


I saw someone that is so undescribable. I don't know if it is a human body or what but it really looks like. One thing that I'm sure with is that, that creature is floating in the air. I immediately run after I noticed that the creature is staring at me.

I ran as fast as I could. I reached my bedroom and immediatelwn locked the room. The adrenaline rushed towards my veins into my whole body. I jumped into my bed and covered myself with my thick blanket. Through the terrifying thing that happened to me, I fall asleep without my knowing.


I woke up and immediately run towards my parents and I told what was happened last night.
And ...

They don't believe me.
I keep on explaining but still, nothing happened.

I decided to broke my piggy bank and get all my money and I ask my parents too if they could give me money to buy materials for my project. Well, they don't what kind of project I am going to make. They give me enough money and I'm ready to accomplish my plan in order for them to believe me.

After I gathered all my money, I went to the store and buy a pair of hidden cameras and immediately went home.

I fixed all the tools and started to install it. Well, now I'm ready.


It's already 1:00am but my parents aren't home yet. So, I decided to proceed in the kitchen and get some snacks at the ref and eventually went to the living room waiting to my parent's arrival.

I'm bored watching TV and a little bit sleepy as well. The wall clock keeps on ticking ...
tick-tock .. tick-tock .. tick-tock

The wind blows strongly and it almost opened the main door.
What a shocked when I two red eyes staring at me, a bloody and rotten body of a man whom I taught he was dead for almost many years ago.

I immediately ran away from him as he walk towards me. I run as fast as I can!

I run towards my room and as what I've done before I covered myself with my blanket and tried to keep calm but...

I heard that there's someone approaching to my room.
He's calling my name. He keeps on knocking the door and shouting ..

"Son! Get up! There is someone in your room!", my dad said.

I got up and ...

The door opened and my parents hugged me so tight and saying...

"I'm so sorry, we didn't believed you yesterday. There's a robber who entered here in our neighborhood and now he is in prison?" Dad explained.


A prison? Dad I will show something.


I took my computer and gathered the video that was caught by my hidden cameras and my parents were shocked in what they've saw.

Me and my parents immediately leave the house and never come back again.
We've search the history of the house and place. There's a man who died by a gang whom are addicted to illegal drugs.

How about you? Have you search or even asked your parents about the history of your house?

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