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Meet my friend Paolo. He's a very talkative kind of person. Paolo and I together with our friends used to roam around our place - in the ponds, beaches, forests, mountains and anywhere as long as we can but there was a terrible happen that leads Paolo not to join or come with us every time we wanted to have a trip or some kind of walking or hiking activity and that particular event is indeed terrifying.


One gloomy day, my friends and I decided to go swimming in the river nearby our place, maybe a few kilometers away. Me, Paolo, Joemarie and others are present. We brought lots of food in order to feed our hungry tummies if we get starving. I bought junkfoods, Joemarie for drinks and Paolo for breads.

While walking through the way, Joemarie takes a lead. I used to observe everyone in the group of what they're doing in order to avoid nasty and irresponsible stuffs. Well, my friends are all childish and a total crazy.
When I look at Joemarie, he looks so pale and his body was shaking. Maybe because of the breeze of the wind. But I look at Paolo, what a shocked! He looks so scared! He's rubbing his hands, looking at the every corner and keep on talking.

Stay away, please leave us alone. Keep distance. I'm begging you.


It's so eerie now. I felt that there's someone who continually following us, staring at us and walking with us.

Who was it? Or should I say, What was it?


With Paolo's terrified looks, I decided not to continue swimming in the river because I know that it was not a good idea.
My friends get upset except Paolo and Joemarie. Maybe they knew what was going on. So, we walk back and just eat our foods while walking.

The question still running in my mind,

What was that? It's so scary. Most especially to Paolo. He don't even tell us what was happened to him.

Be aware with your surroundings. Every person could experience the things that happened to us, to Paolo.

Look at the corner! Maybe someone was staring at you too.

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