The 3 Lost Girls

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This is a very real story about the three girls that was lost for almost a day without a notice that they're just there sitting, staring and silently crying in front of the people who are looking for them.


It's been a very day for all the people in our area. All are preparing foods for the upcoming fiesta.

People are having a general cleaning, decorating their houses and preparing their menus for tomorrow's event.

But not with the three families who've been searching for their little girls for the entire day. They're all complaining that they're searching for their daughters.

They went everywhere that they could find their children but as they search to all the possible places where their childrens are into - there's no answer. Their childrens are not there.


All the people helped to find those children. Time passed by until it goes dark. The mother of each lost child was crying.

Some of the elders were praying, some are chanting and some of them keeps on searching.

Eventually, my grandmother told some of the people to ring the church's bell.


What a shocked after the bell rings. Those lost children cried in chorus. The first girl was found under the drainage or canal, the second was found under the native Filipino house or bahaykubo or most specific - in the place where the chickens are into and finally, the third girl was found at the back of the door of their own house.

Those girls can't speak. They just continue crying. Until my grandmother explained.

''They were covered by a black cloth to be unseen by our naked eyes. The only person that could do that was an ''aswang''. It seems that the fiesta will be tomorrow. So, I conclude that the creature who did that was trying to prepare those children to be their food.''

All the people were shocked about my grandma's explanation. But still the mystery of the creature lies in the air. No one know who was it.

Those cases are still active in some areas here. That's why some of the families kept their children at home to avoid those incidents.

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