The Vision (Drops of Rain)

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My family are not religiously active but we're still go to church. This story happened and existed when I was ten. I used to experienced bad things or circumstances. In that particular time, I wasn't been tried to have a confession and communion to the priest.


When I was at the fifth grade in primary school. My bestfriends/classmates always wanted to have an extraordinary things to do whenever we have an extra or vacant time after school. Leoney (my tall and pretty bestfriend) wants to Ruel's house which is located between fishponds and river. Then, we all planned to have a picnic there and swimming.


The plan became successful. All are there and helping each other in food preparation but some are already in the water and keep on swimming.

When I tried to go into the water, I paused for awhile and analyze what I've seen. It was so rare to see a pair of two red eyes floating in the air.

I immediately tell my friends but no one believes in me but instead they're making fun of me.

I eliminate that kind of stuff in my mind and continue to swim but...

After I got into the river, a heavy rain falls so hard. Every drop of rain that strikes in our skin really hurts. Then, all of us run into the house to avoid the drops of rain.

Does the pair of eyes that I've saw has something to do with it?

Well, absolutely yes 'cause it happened again. Not once but twice!

Read the next chapter and you'll know the answer.

Next :

The Vision (At the Top)

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