The Vision (At the Top)

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This story was the second time which I've experienced to see the floating red eyes. Then, I concluded that those eyes brings a message to me. A message that I must be prepared in an unlucky or bad thing to happen.


My sister named Karen was invited by her friends to go to the Church located to the at the top of the mountain. It is said that the mass there was miraculous, it heals people who are sick and blesses the people who needs fulfillment in their wants.

Of course, my sister never hesitate to go and I'm with her.

When we finished the mass and on our way to leave place, we need to go down and while we're doing that...

I saw the red eyes and without my knowing, I was running fast towards going down. Then, I can't control my body until I tumbled and rolled like a stone. Until I reached the bottom. Thanks God because I fall in soft soil with joined leaves that's why I'm not hurt. That creepy red eyes really brings bad things to happen.

How could I avoid it?

Maybe the answer is on the next chapter.


The Vision (The Message)

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