The Girl

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One cold night when Joemarie (my friend) and I went to the internet shop to play online games, we were able to cross the street wherein there's no streetlights.

Joemarie : Are we going to cross this street? We can use the other way just to reach the shop.

Me : Nah! It will took a long time to reach the shop. Just walk fast so that we will reach it as soon as possible.

Joemarie : Whatever!


Meanwhile, Joemarie and I were still walking then suddenly we heard a small voice. I asked Joemarie if it was him but he's not. I started to tremble but still we continue to walk.

I looked around every corner of the streets - the crossings, the vacant lots and the abandoned building... aaaaargh!

I saw it! I saw her! Yes! Her! Her!
She's a girl - I assured myself because she has a very long hair and skinny body figure. She looks so sad 'cause I saw it in her eyes. Maybe she wants help or she wants peace. Is she murdered? Does her family know what happened to her? And now she's staring at me and same as I.


Joemarie slapped me, I didn't feel the pain with his slap. What I felt was I'm so scared, cold and nervous because...

The girl is following me, looking at me and she's beside me.

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