The Power Of Electricity

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Ash's POV

The day began with a bit of a shock to Ash's dismay.

"Pika," Pikachu said, using its paw to poke its trainer in an attempt to rouse him.

"Just five more minutes mom..." Ash replied groggily.

"Pika!" Pikachu exclaimed, knowing that they would be late to school if Ash slept in any later.

Ash groaned, turning to his side facing away from the yellow mouse. Unfortunately, the Electric-type's patience was wearing thin.

"Pika-pi!" the Pokémon cried in one last humane attempt in waking up his trainer. When its efforts ultimately failed however, Pikachu decided it had had enough.

"Pika... CHUUUU!" a terrifying bolt of yellow lightning shot down Ash's spine causing him to yelp in pain and fall off his bed.

"AH WH- HOW- PIKA- OUCH!" yelled a disoriented Ash fumbling for words as the floor greeted him with a high-five to the face.

"What in Tapu-Koko's electricity was that?" Professor Kukui shouted, bursting into the room.

An ash-covered Ash looked up from the ground still twitching from the residual voltage.

"Oh, it's just you Ash," he said nonchalantly as if this had been an everyday occurrence, "You had me worried there for a second! Anyway, come on out breakfast is ready."

Pikachu stood with its arms crossed, looking down at its victim smugly.

"Pikachu what was that for! Couldn't you have just poked me or at least used an Iron Tai- on second thought- a Plastic Tail instead of a full fledged Thunderbolt?!" Ash complained.

"Pika pika chu-pi!" Pikachu said happily, bouncing off its trainer's head as it made its way to the kitchen.

"Pikachu!" Ash called getting his bearings together as he tried to fix his hair. He knew it was partly his own fault for having slept so late the previous night, although the chance to see that shooting star had made it worthwhile, he thought to himself. Little did he know Pikachu's wake-up call would not be the only shock he would be receiving today.


Serena's POV

"We're finally here!" Serena exclaimed blissfully as she took her first step off of the aircraft and onto Alolan land.

Taking a whiff of the tropical air, Serena reached into her bag and exclaimed, "All right everyone come on out!"

A flash of sparkling energy materialized into three distinct Pokémon: a small panda, an elegant fox, and a quadrupedal ribbon-donning feline.


"Veon!" Serena's Pokémon exclaimed as they took in their new surroundings.

"I can't wait to start exploring! What store should we visit first-"

"Brai! Braixen," the fox Pokémon said, reminding her trainer to take responsibility before enjoying herself.

"Right I forgot, thank you Braixen. Let's go check in at the Pokémon Center hotel first! I'm so excited for the swimming pools, restaurants, and shopping centers!" Serena exclaimed with sparkles in her eyes.

"Braixen!" her Pokémon chimed in joyfully.

When they got to the hotel, a distraught Nurse Joy could be seen pacing the lobby. This was not overlooked by Serena and she approached her.

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