An Explosive Reunion

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Serena's POV

The familiar warmth of her home region was a refreshing change from the bleak atmosphere of Serena's flight. Although the air lacked the tropical feel of Alola, Serena was pleased to be back in Kalos nonetheless. She had visited a number of regions, including Hoenn and Alola, yet she knew that Kalos was her kingdom, and she was its queen. 

Approaching the baggage reclaim area, Serena walked abreast of Ash who had recovered from his earlier fall and was back to his usual, spirited self. The backs of their hands brushed against one another, each titillating moment of contact urging Serena to slide her fingers into his.

Mallow seems to be chatting with Lana for now, and Kiawe and Professor Kukui aren't looking at me, Serena thought, stealing surreptitious glances at her friends. We're walking so close... should I just? Wait n-no! What am I thinking? If I hold his hand, wouldn't that make us a c-couple? Besides, what if Sophocles and Lillie see us...

By the time Serena had ascertained that she was not free from the prying eyes of her classmates, her hand had adopted a malformed shape, her fingers crooked inwards like the carcass of an arachnid.

"Hey Serena, I think I see our bags coming through!" Ash pointed out.

Eek! Serena blurted in her mind. "G-great! I'm gonna go get mine; be back in a bit!"

"What's gotten into her?" Mallow asked, narrowing her eyes and thoughtfully rubbing her chin.

Ash shrugged nonchalantly. "Let's hurry and grab our stuff so we can get some food because I'm starving!" He rubbed his stomach accordingly before hurrying off towards another luggage revolver, the yellow mouse Pokémon scampering behind him.

"Classic Ash..." Mallow sighed to herself.


Professor Kukui's POV

"Okay! Everyone have their bags?" the de facto supervisor of the group, Professor Kukui, asked. He rested one arm against the extended handle of his luggage, the other tucked neatly in his coat pocket.

"Yup!" the students exclaimed in unison.

"I even got time to use the bathroom!" Sophocles added, earning puzzled looks from his classmates.

"Thank you kindly for that information, Sophocles," the Professor said. "Anyways, what do you all say we go out and get some f—"

"FOOD?! All right! Count me in!" Ash exclaimed, "I know a great place just outside the airport, come on!" He dashed towards an escalator that would lead to a set of glass doors opening out to the region, the wheels of his luggage screaming behind him.

"Ash, wait up!" Serena extended an arm, running after him.

"I was going to say fresh air..." Professor Kukui sighed, "Since we had been cooped up in the plane for so long."

But the Professor recognized that Ash's propensity for adventure, along with impetuosity, were simply parts of who he was. It left little room for unwanted hesitation and overthinking, perfect for a competitive Pokémon trainer.

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