Never Give Up Until The End

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*Play the above song when instructed to in the story for maximum epicness.*


Serena's POV

The sun was shining brightly in the sky as Alolan Exeggutors were pleasantly basking in the heat while smaller, less elongated Pokémon were frolicking about. With her challenges complete, Serena and the Alolan gang enjoyed a picnic in the verdant fields of the Pokémon School.

Meanwhile, Serena's heart was still fluttering with excitement attained from the thrill of battle, and not the one against Pikachu. She could hardly believe she had won the small game of rock-paper-scissors that ultimately deemed her the victor of Ash's previous proposal, earning her a day with the boy where he would have to comply with her every request.

Deep in her semi-wholesome fantasies centered around the things she could do with Ash, a surprising question from a certain chef snapped Serena back to reality.

"Would anyone be down for a quick game of truth or dare while we eat?" Mallow asked.

Serena gulped. She had never formally played before, but was familiar with the game as well as the embarrassment that typically came alongside it.

"Truth or dare? How do you play?" Ash asked, densely.

"You've never learned how to play? Here, let's do an example round and you'll be an expert before you know it!" Mallow assured.

"Sure!" Ash replied.

"So, you have to pick one. Truth or dare?" Mallow asked innocently.

"Hm, let's go with dare!" Ash replied confidently.

"Then I dare you to run over there and steal Professor Kukui's sunglasses!"

"But wouldn't that be mean?" Ash hesitated.

"Relax! We'll give it back to him, it's just for fun and plus you chose dare meaning you have to follow through," Mallow said grinning.

The others watched tensely as Ash snuck up to the napping Professor and pinched the tip of his shades.

"H-huh what was..." the Professor mumbled as he drifted back to sleep.

Ash covered his mouth to not make a sound as he jumped back startled by Professor Kukui's sudden arousal.

"There!" he whispered sharply, "I got it!"

Ash ran back to the group triumphantly holding the pair of sunglasses in between his fingertips.

"Wow! I didn't think you could actually pull it off, literally! Good job Ash!" Mallow applauded.

Kiawe simply looked in another direction not wanting to get involved.

"Ash, that was too close... I really thought he'd wake up and ask what you were doing," Lillie whispered.

Looking over at the girl in white, Serena clutched the ribbon above her chest.

"Hehe, when I set my mind to it, I can accomplish anything!" Ash said triumphantly, placing the shades on Lillie's head.

"Eep! What are you doing!" Lillie's hand touched the spot where Ash had left the shades as she felt her cheeks turn pink.

Sitting adjacent to her, Serena noticed and almost blurted, "So Mallow, how do we decide who goes next?"

"Hmm," the girl began to say until Lana brought up a suggestion.

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