Syncronized Showdowns

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Serena's POV

Sidling past a line of unsuspecting teenagers, Serena threaded her way towards her seat in the forty-ninth row, careful not to trample over anyone's toes. Twice, she had been recognized since escaping Miette. Normally she would have readily offered an autograph or two, but today was different. A year had gone by since she had last witnessed Ash formally compete in a Pokémon league. She wanted to cheer him on as Serena, not the Kalos Queen.

Serena's tentative steps hastened into long, clumsy strides. She tiptoed between a sea of reluctant feet that rarely gave way while she negotiated the thick crowd. Her maneuvers demanded extra focus as she struggled to keep her face concealed under her fedora. Couldn't Clemont have picked a row that was easier to access?

Coming to a narrow aisle, Serena steadied herself on the slender handrail. Above the din of the babbling crowd, someone was calling out to her. She titled back her hat. Fresh daylight streamed into her eyes. From a few rows above, Bonnie's hand was flailing through the air, trying to catch her attention.

Brightening, Serena hurried over and slipped into the lone vacant seat amid throngs of spectators.

"Thank you both for waiting for me," she sighed in between short breaths. "I'm really sorry I took so long."

"A simple 'sorry' isn't gonna cut it! We've been waiting here for forever. I was starting to think you'd totally forgotten about us!" Bonnie whined, her thin lips puckered with indignation.

Clemont set a placating hand on his sister's shoulder. "Now, there's no need to get upset. I'm sure Serena didn't mean any harm. Besides, she's here now, so let's just enjoy the tournament together, all right?"

"Fine," Bonnie huffed, folding her arms tightly across her chest. "But it's not my fault for getting mad if she was off somewhere being all lovey-dovey with A–"

"Bonnie!" Serena blurted. Her eyes instinctively darted to Clemont, panic dissolving once she realized his expression didn't suggest any awareness. "And actually, the reason I had lost you two earlier was because I ran into Miette."

Clemont arched an eyebrow. "Miette? Do you mean the same Miette from your performances?"

"Who else would she be talking about, brother? Blue hair, orange eyes, always teases Serena about–"

"Yes! That Miette," Serena said hastily, glaring at Bonnie through sharp eyes. "We had a chance to catch up on a few things before I left for my seat."

"That's right," Clemont remarked, "Have you spoken to her since you were crowned?"

"Oh, now that you mention it, it's been a really long time since I've talked to Miette, or seen her in person." Serena compressed her face in her knuckles and lowered her eyes. "And to think she congratulated me too. I can't believe I haven't even called her since then. I feel so awful about it."

"Aw, that's okay Serena. You were probably just really busy as the Kalos Queen," Bonnie consoled.

"Ne-ne!" Dedenne echoed.

Serena gazed contemplatively at the dull, gray concrete that floored the stands. Had her dedication as the Kalos Queen led her to neglect her own rival, let alone keep in touch with any of her closest companions? If Ash became a Pokémon Master, he would gush all about it to his friends for weeks! Maybe that was why he was always the popular one. Ever since their days at summer camp, people and Pokémon seemed to gravitate towards him, not her. She was just lucky enough to be a part of his circle.

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