An Alola Surprise

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Serena's POV





Serena awoke to a light slap on her cheek by a Pokémon's feeler.

"Mmmh it's so early; let me sleep a bit more," Serena groaned, burying her face in a pillow.

"Sylveon..." the Pokémon said disappointedly, not knowing how to wake up her trainer in a gentle manner.

"Braixen Braix!"

"Sylve?" Sylveon looked up to see her vixen friend looming over Serena. Then it dawned on her what she was doing with her wand. Braixen was charging up a Fire Blast at point blank to wake up Serena.

"Sylveon Sylveon!" the ribbon Pokémon worriedly cried.

"Pancham Pan!" Pancham exclaimed as if questioning Braixen's sanity.

"Braix, Braixen!" the fox Pokémon gestured at Sylveon to remove Serena's pillow to reveal her face.

"Syl?" Sylveon tentatively obeyed the request as Serena reluctantly opened her eyes.

"AHH BRAIXEN WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" the girl yelped, quite literally jumping out of bed and emitting a scream ear-piercing enough to scare off a flock of Spearow nesting on the roof.

"Braixen-Brai!" Braixen chuckled, cupping her paw to her mouth and smugly watching the terrified Serena frantically run around the room.

"Pancham?" the Panda Pokémon glanced at Braixen still unsure of her antics.

"Sylveon, Syl!" The fairy Pokémon giggled and put a feeler on Braixen as if patting her on the back, for it was clear she never had any intention to hurt Serena and was only charging up a Fire Blast to scare her awake. After all it was what she deserved for staying up so late, being all lovey-dovey with Ash.

"Braixen, you're lucky my hair's so messy right now or else I'm gonna get y-"

Serena suddenly tripped on her slipper and face-planted on the bed, causing the three other Pokémon to burst out in laughter.

"It's- not! Funny!" Serena said, muffled, pulling herself together.

"I know I like Ash, but I wouldn't wanna be turned into him by your Fire Blast!"

This only made Braixen laugh harder.

"Fine then once Greninja returns I'll make sure to tell him all your dirty secrets!" Serena teased, making sure to emphasize the water ninja Pokémon's name.

This left Braixen silent.

After freshening up and finally taming her hair, Serena found a cold breakfast on the table and no sight of either Ash or Professor Kukui.

"Huh? Where could they have gone so early? Did Ash really get up just to go train for the upcoming league?" Serena thought aloud.

"Pan Pancham!" Serena's Pokémon attempted to get its trainer's attention.

"Pancham, what's the matter?" Serena asked. Pancham simply pointed to the clock.

It took a second to register in Serena's sleep-deprived mind. "WE ONLY HAVE 8 MORE MINUTES TO GET TO SCHOOL?!" she screamed in shock.

Serena kicked into overdrive as she inhaled her breakfast and bolted out the door, following her Pokédex navigator towards the Pokémon School.


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