Ash Vs. Clemont: High Stakes, High Voltage!

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Ash's POV

Trekking not more than a half-mile eastwards as per Clemont's instruction, Ash discovered a weathered Pokémon Battlefield marked by faded white lines running weakly along the dirt surface. A faint, eroded circle modeled to the likeliness of a Pokéball was embossed in the center of the rectangular field. Circular depressions embedded the ground sporadically, marking the places where fierce battles had once raged.

Ash shuddered, producing a Pokéball and enlarging it with a press of its center button. He knew this challenge was in the spirit of friendship, but something beyond Clemont's generous wager compelled him to give his all regardless of who his opponent was. Ash contemplated briefly on the two Pokémon that he would use. Pikachu would definitely be his first choice, but his second would be an ace that Clemont would not anticipate. 

Professor Kukui and the others resided on nearby bleachers, but Serena insisted that she remain with Ash until the battle began.

"It's almost time; are you ready?" Serena asked.

Turning, Ash grinning determinedly. "I'm ready as I'll ever be!"

"Good luck out there then." She spoke with a quaver of apprehension as she seized Ash's hand.

"Don't worry. There's no way we'll lose! Right buddy?"


From the other side, a figure emerged, clad in a blue jumpsuit beneath tousled hair. Ash's challenger had resolved to take an alternate route to the battleground, claiming that the time alone would allow him to formulate a strategy. Clemont seemed to be taking it seriously, so Ash decided to as well. After all, his and Serena's accommodations rode on the line.

"Well Ash, it looks like we're facing each other again, just like old times," Clemont said.

"You better be ready! Because we aren't holding back!" Ash returned.

Professor Kukui approached the two boys, his arm hoisted vertically in the air at the midpoint of  the arena. "The rules of this battle are—" he was cut off.

Allow me! a robotic voice spoke.

All heads turned in the direction of a drone held aloft by four individual propellers, descending towards Ash and Clemont. As it slowed to a steady hover, Ash could make out a pair of blue, orotund eyes stamped onto an ovular head crowned by a conical spike. Its green body could have resembled a Zygarde Cell if not for the various protuberances that gave it the qualities of a Rotom.

You have been approved for an official Kalos Championship League Normal Class battle!

"An official Normal Class battle?" Lillie repeated.

"I think this might be part of the League Ash is participating in," Kiawe said. He edged closer on his seat, watching intently.

The Rotom referee veered towards Ash. A challenge has been issued. Do you accept? 

"Hold on just a minute. Who are you? And what do you mean by 'we've been approved for an official Kalos Championship League battle?'" Ash questioned.

Allow me to explain: I am Drotom, an official drone of the Kalos Championship League. There are many of us, and it is our responsibility to ensure any and all battles between challengers registered for the League are monitored and decided, so that the rankings may be updated accordingly.

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