The Return Of An Old Friend

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Professor Kukui's POV

In all his years as a Pokémon professor, Professor Kukui had never seen anything quite like that. The wielder of untold power deftly landed a few feet in front of Ash, holding what seemed to be a Pokémon.

Ash peered so intently at the mysterious hero that had saved him and Serena from certain doom that he did not even notice the people running up to him.

"Ash!" The Professor spoke up, "Are you two all right? And would you mind explaining what in the world we just witnessed?" Professor Kukui eyed the unexpected savior suspiciously, now realizing that it was indeed a Pokémon.

But the boy didn't even glance at his inquirer, for he was far too engrossed in the Pokémon before him.

"So it is you... old friend," Ash spoke. The others watched in silence as Serena squeezed his hand softly. Braixen was carefully let down to her slight disappointment.

The Pokémon said nothing.

Tension began building up in the atmosphere. Sophocles whispered over to Lillie, "I've got a bad feeling about this..."

Without warning, the two stepped forward - Ash and the Pokémon now standing face to face - and pulled each other into a tight embrace.

Serena gasped, rubbing her eyes as if making sure they weren't deceiving her.

"Do they... know each other?" Lillie asked cautiously.

Before anyone could reply, Ash spoke.

"Thank you..." he whispered gravely, "For saving her." Ash buried his face into the Pokémon's neck, shielding his tears from his friends.

The Pokémon nodded firmly as if understanding everything Ash was feeling without needing to say a word.

"What's he talking about..?" Mallow asked quietly.

"I have no idea," Kiawe replied.

Professor Kukui's group continued to gawk at the strange scene while a certain honey-blonde had begun to tear up herself after hearing what Ash had said.

"You selfless... dummy!" she cried, throwing her arms around both Ash and the Pokémon. Serena knew if he had to choose, Ash would save Serena over himself, and she hated him for that, yet it made her love him so much more. They stayed like that for a few minutes, but Serena wanted it to be for an eternity.

"Syl..." Sylveon extended a feeler to her trainer's arm, but Pikachu jumped to her side and put its paw on her shoulder.

"Chu pika..." it said, comforting the Pokémon because it knew Serena's tears were that of joy.

Now even more perplexed at the situation, Professor Kukui began to speak but was interrupted.

"So I assume you've completed your task in protecting Kalos?" Ash asked, regaining his cheery disposition.

"Greninja," the Pokémon affirmed.

"I'm glad, and I couldn't be more proud of you buddy." Ash suddenly looked solemnly at the Pokémon. "But do you have Zygarde's permission to come here?"

Zygarde..? Professor Kukui thought.

"Indeed he does," a voice said profoundly.

All heads turned to the direction of the speaker.

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