Champions Collide! The Master Class Begins!

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A/N: Hi everyone, sorry for the disappointing news...

 but I've decided I'm going to be discontinuing the HIATUS. Yup you all just got baited. RIP those who clicked off. Anyway I've finished all my college stuff and we're BACK. I'm probably rusty after having not done creative writing in so long, so hopefully you guys don't notice the part where I begin again (I wrote like part of this before the break). If you're reading this after it has long been published, well I guess just disregard this message. For those who don't know what's going on and/or forgot entirely about this book's existence, feel free to refer to the hasty summary I've pieced together below (I don't even remember all that's happened at this point) or reread previous chapters if you so desire. See you at the end with the traditional author's note signoff.


After the canonical events of Kalos, Serena finds herself wanting a vacation as the reigning Kalos Queen. She travels to Alola where she shockingly encounters Ash and friends, and she embarks on a small goal to bring her performances to other regions like Alola, as well as make "progress" towards her standing with Mr. Dense– I mean Ash. A lot of Amourshipping stuff happens and the Kalos Championship League (basically the World Coronation Series but in Kalos) is brought to the awareness of Ash and the gang, where a fleet of green drone-Rotoms (Drotoms) referee any and all matches on demand. The KCL for short of course is based in Kalos, so Ash travels back there with Serena who actually has to return to resume her queenly duties anyways, so the endeavor works out for the both of them. Also Ash made that promise that he'd only date Serena if he was worthy (as in became a Pokémon Master AS IN won the KCL). ALSO they find Clemont and Bonnie. Also also Team Rocket is imprisoned for their malicious deeds (for now)... and Giovanni is doing who knows what. Ash (whose name is now known for beating a few "big name" trainers in the KCL) struggles to hide from fans much like Serena from the paparazzi, and has just defeated Gary in the previous chapter, boosting him up and into the Master Class. That's where we pick up here, and it begins with a nefarious plot based on a new face, Lear, who is based on a villain from the mobile game Pokémon Masters. (I didn't want to completely invent a villain, nor did I want to re-use a commonly used one.) That concludes the summary, and the rest of the story awaits...


???'s POV

The walls of a sequestered recess gently rattled with the innocent excitement of spectators young and old as they flocked to the ancient stadium that had stood centuries as the venue for the KCL. Exuding an air of opulence not unlike that of the well-maintained stadium, the concealed chamber preserved a large frieze running over the room's only entrance, depicting a human clad in mystical wear and a genie welcoming a wealth of Pokémon through shallow portals. Together with the rest of the chamber's embellishment, the masonry spewed showers of dust at irregular intervals, spurred by the burgeoning crowd's eager footsteps.

"A chamber offering a perfect view of each battle, yet entirely invisible to the public eye. It's a shame my father never got to witness this magnificent tournament with his own eyes," a boy spoke to no one in particular.

"Master Lear, I mean no disrespect, but it was your father's duty and his father's before that to host the Kalos Championship League century after century. And every heir of your royal lineage so far has honored that responsiblity—whether they were alive to see it or not," a thick voice said as if his liege's ponderances had been a direct question.

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