A perfect kiss

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She haunted my thoughts all afternoon as I tried to distract myself by cleaning my flat to make it look more organised and less like the bomb-site it usually looks. Glancing at the at the clock on my wall I realised it was now 5:20 pm. She was late. "Perhaps she is having second thoughts," I worried as I sat on my sofa anxiously picking at the worn brown leather whilst waiting for her arrival.

I tried my best to convince myself that I didn't want her to turn up at all. After all it would have been much simpler that way. I knew from the very moment I first laid eyes on her that she would be trouble, but yet deep down I still yearned to interact with her once more. She was extremely intense but there was something special about her, I just couldn't establish what it was. All I knew is that I was mesmerised by her and that the thoughts of her would continue to torment me unless I saw her again.

I watched the clock in anticipation, my heart now beating in time with the rhythm of the hands as every second slipped away from me. Before I knew it another 10 minuets had passed whilst I sat idly waiting for her. I noticed that the daylight had now almost disappeared and that everything outside my window had become a familiar sort grey, whilst the artificial light of the dim streetlights began to light the city below. The darkness often made me feel lonely, but right now the shadows of my loneliness felt more consuming than ever. I became more and more frustrated and I began to grow tired of waiting for her.

"She's not coming" I sighed to myself in a disappointed tone. Perhaps I was reading the signals wrong after all. Perhaps I was imagining the intensity of her stares that afternoon and misread her kindness as something more than it was. These thoughts continued to circle in my mind practically suffocating me, so much so that I almost did not register that there was a knock at my door.

I felt my pulse increase almost instantaneously, as I instinctively shot up out of my seat. I quickly fixed my hair in the mirror before I impatiently raced to the door to greet her. I opened the door to see her standing there holding a bottle of wine in one hand and a playful smile on her face.

"Sorry I am late, I had to go home and get a few things, so I thought I'd get us a bottle on the way." She said proudly holding the bottle in her hand.

"Ah, it is no problem. I hadn't even noticed you were late." I replied. This was obviously a lie, I couldn't let her know that her lateness had left me in a complete and utter state of turmoil. I had at least try to act cool, after all she was only here to fix my dress and nothing more.

"So are you going to invite me in or am I going to stand out in the hallway all night?" She giggled.

"Of course I am going to invite you in. Welcome to my humble abode, Estella." I joked as I stepped aside to let her past.

Her arm lightly brushed against me as she walked through the doorway, causing a warm tingling sensation to travel through my body as it acknowledged her close proximity. I could smell her perfume as she entered, it was a subtle but heavenly scent, that reminded me of the sweet smell of flowers in full bloom. She glanced around my small dimly lit flat, taking in her surroundings.

"It's not the most glamorous of places" I chuckled. "But at least somewhere to call home."

"Not at all, it is cosy." She purred with a glint in her eye that made me feel more nervous than usual. "Do you live alone?"

"Yes, it's just me."

Her eyes lit up as a smile graced her face. "Perfect, no distractions then." She replied raising her eyebrow ever so slightly.

"The dress is in the sitting room, make yourself comfortable whilst I go fetch some glasses for the wine." I said, gesturing towards the sitting room.

I quickly grabbed the best wine glasses I had in my cupboards, and returned to the sitting room. I noticed her standing examining one of the framed photographs on my mantlepiece.

"Boyfriend?" She queried. Pointing her finger at the man with his arm around me in the photograph.

"God no!" I shook my head in disgust. Which was the response she seemed to have been looking for as she smirked in amusement.

"It's my brother." I clarified. "That was taken 5 years ago on my 16th birthday. I haven't actually seen him in a very long time." I revealed, not wishing to further explain the complexities of my rather depressing family history.

She placed the photo back on the mantle-piece in a sheepish manner. "Sorry, I didn't mean to –"

"Don't worry about it." I interrupted her with a reassuring smile in an attempt to eliminate awkwardness that I could see she was feeling. "We should probably get started though, I don't want to take up too much of your evening. I am sure you have many places you'd rather be than here repairing my dress."

"I don't mind. Honestly, it will take my mind off things. Plus it gives me a chance to escape my idiot flat mates." She rolled her eyes and chuckled to herself.

She walked to the sofa and sat down whilst I poured us both a glass of wine. She held up the dress I had been wearing previously that afternoon and carefully examined the tear, delicately running her fingers over the seam. I stood there quietly observing her concentration.

"Shouldn't be too difficult to repair. It won't take me very long on a machine." She concluded. "You do have a sewing machine, don't you?"

"If I did, I wouldn't need you to repair my dress would I?" I replied with a sarcastic tone, unable to control the smug smile on my face. "I thought you'd be able to do it by hand." I added.

She shook her head and bit down on her bottom lip whilst trying to conceal a smile. "I mean I could, but it would take me far too long. I will just use my machine at home, as long as you're okay with me taking the dress home with me that is?"

"That's fine with me. Sorry tonight has been such a waste of your time." I apologised as I sat down on other side of the sofa with my wine in my hand.

"Don't worry about it. I will bring the dress back. I am not a thief ... anymore." She looked at me with a devilish glint in her eye, making me question whether she was being serious or joking. I couldn't tell. "But you can buy the wine next time. " She teased playfully reaching her slender hand out to the glass of wine that was sitting on my coffee table.

I watched the glass lightly graze against her lips as she took a sip of wine. She was enigmatic and had a fascinating aurora that I was instantly drawn to. The way the moonlight illuminated her pale ivory skin further highlighted her beauty. I was truly bewitched by her.

"So Estella, what made you want to become a fashion designer." I queried her in an attempt to figure out more about her.

"I have always wanted to be a designer, even since I was a child. There is just something so special about creating a piece of art and see a beautiful girl like you wearing it." She replied looking at me with a sultry gaze.

She leaned in closer, placing her hand on my thigh, "you really are exquisite, the baroness is a fool not to have selected you for the show. I would never turn away someone as gorgeous as you." She whispered as her intoxicating green eyes continued to study me intently.

I could feel my face turn scarlet with embarrassment as those words left her mouth. My heart was now racing and my entire body felt as if it were on fire, I was now more confused than ever. Why was she complementing me and why did she have this effect on me? The idea that she found me attractive felt absolutely ludicrous, but she seemed just as intrigued by me as I was with her.

Before I even had a chance to reply I felt her lips delicately brushing against mine as she kissed me. Her lips felt soft and tender and tasted sweet like a summers day. I could feel the warmth of her breath as she placed her hand on my cheek cupping it gently. The heat rose within me as it if something had ignited in my body. I passionately kissed her back running fingers through her soft red hair as I pulled her closer.

Kissing a total stranger that I had only just met was totally out of character for me. But I had never wanted anybody more in my entire life than her. 

AN - I am a simp for Cruella and I have no shame :) Hopefully this chapter is better than the last one. 

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