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That moment was truly transcendental, it could not have felt more right or more perfect, almost as if we were made for one another. It was as if every second of my life had been leading up to this moment. The anxiety and unease I had felt previously that day melted away as our lips perfectly fit together and we became one.

Our eyes locked on to each others as she rested her forehead on mine. A gentle smile graced her face, "I've been wanting to do that all day." She whispered.

I smiled back at her in amazement, I was truly wonderstruck from having her so near to me, feeling her skin against mine, her face a few inches from my own. Now knowing that she felt the same way that I did.

She tenderly brushed her nose against mine before her lips softly graced my own for a second time. "Can I take you to bed?" She asked interrupting before I had the chance to kiss her back.

Nothing in my life had ever made more sense to me than this, than her. It was as if I had an epiphany and she was it. I knew that it was right, that I wanted her, that I needed her, but I couldn't help still feeling tremendously nervous for what was to follow.

"Yes." I replied.

"Estella." I nervously added in a hushed tone. "I haven't been with a girl before."

I gave her a worried look, whilst I tried to work out how she would react to this. She was so confident, so sure of what she wanted, and now I had gone and ruined it all by telling her this. All sorts of thoughts ran through my mind in that instant. What if I had put her off? What if she no longer wanted me? I felt as if time had slowed down to almost nothing as I awaited her response.

She looked back at me with a reassurance in her eyes as she delicately brushed my hair behind my ear. "It's okay." She said taking my hand in hers as her delicate fingers intertwined with my own. "We can take it slow, you do not have to do anything you're not comfortable with."

I leaned in closer to her, passionately pressing my lips against hers. "I want you, Estella." I whispered before taking off her glasses.

She moved her kisses slowly down my jawline and on to my neck. The feel of her warm breath on my skin sent shivers down my spine. She carefully unzipped the back of my dress and slipped it over my head, before gently unfastening my bra revealing what was beneath it. I had never felt more vulnerable and exposed.

Her eyes widened as she looked at me in amazement. "You're perfect." She said gently tracing her fingers across my ribs and on to my stomach. "Just relax and let me take care of you."

I felt her hair brushing against my bare skin as she continued to kiss me, grazing every inch of my body with her delicate lips as she moved further and further down. She knew exactly what to do, she was slow, gentle, tender and loving. The way she touched me sent waves of pleasure throughout my entire body, and just for a moment I was no longer myself. Instead she and I were one, and we were no longer in my dimly lit flat in the middle of London, instead we were in space dancing with the moon and the stars.

After she held me in her arms. Our bodies were intertwined. I could feel the warmth of her body against my skin. I could hear her heart beating as my head rested on her chest, and her breathing almost in time with my own.

I looked up at her and smiled, "I don't know what you've done to me. I must be crazy."

She looked back at me with a puzzled look. "What do you mean?"

"I never usually do one night stands." I replied quietly.

She giggled as she ran her fingers through my hair. "It doesn't have to be a one night stand you know." She teased.

We spent the rest of the night with our arms wrapped around one another, holding each other closely. We talked for what felt like an eternity. I wanted to know everything about her. Her likes, her dislikes, her hopes, dreams and aspirations. We realised that we both had a mutual love for fashion and art. She told me the story of how she began to work for the Baroness, she talked for hours about her dreams of becoming a designer and owning her own label. I told her about how I got into modelling, my love for music, reading and poetry. It was a perfect night, one that I wished would never end. I closed my eyes as I drifted off to sleep in her arms.

The early morning sunlight creeped in through the gap in the curtains illuminating the room. I was not quite fully awake yet, but I could feel her arms were still wrapped around me tightly from the night before. The feeling of her breath on the back of my neck caused me to shiver and gave me butterflies in the pit of my stomach. For a second I questioned if I was dreaming. Everything in that moment felt so tranquil and peaceful, it was utterly perfect.

She leant over and woke me by gracing a kiss upon my forehead that lingered on my skin.

"Wake up sleepy head." She said in a hushed tone, so as not to startle me. Her voice was husky and smooth, like liquid to my ears. "I have to go soon. I have to get to work."

I opened my eyes and turned to face her. I looked at her with intently with my tired eyes. A slight look of disappointment fell across my face as I contemplated this perfect moment ending.

"I wish you didn't have to leave so soon." I whispered, grazing her pale soft skin with my fingers.

"The Baroness will kill me if I am late." She replied smiling back at me.

I knew first-hand how ruthless the Baroness could be. The last thing I wanted to do was get Estella into trouble at work, so I nodded my head in agreement and left it at that.

"When can I see you again?" I eagerly questioned.

"Soon." She replied. "When I bring your dress back."

She giggled and tapped her finger on my nose playfully before getting up out of the bed, breaking the close proximity between us.

I was not used to being awake this early in the morning. I could hear the sweet melody of the birds singing outside my window. The sun had only just risen, bringing with it a new sense of freshness as it cast a rosy hue in the morning sky. I lay there watching her as she dressed herself. She was still the perfect image of beauty even so early in the morning.

When she had finished dressing she sat on the edge of the bed, her body leaning over me, smiling as she looked down at me. Her wide eyes reminded me of the green hue of evergreen forests, naturally shining so bright and vibrant, even on the darkest of days. She lent down and kissed me a final time. I placed my hand on the back of her head as I tried my best to savour every second of that final kiss, wishing that her lips would never leave mine.

"Thank you for an amazing night, Y/N" She whispered smiling as she broke the kiss. "I will see you soon, I promise"

I followed her to the door and watched her as she left. "Bye Estella." I called, waiving as she walked down the corridor of my building. She turned back giving me one final smile before she disappeared around the corner.

She was gone and I was alone again.

I spent the rest of my day reliving the previous night in my mind, thinking only of her and how it felt to be near to her, anticipating the next time I would get to see her.

AN - I am a big simp and I am not ashamed. I hope you enjoy it, I had a lot of fun writing this chapter :) B x

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