Another perfect evening

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A few days had passed since that night, every second of them filled with thoughts of her. I tried everything I could to take my mind off of her. However, I still yearned to see her again, to hold her and touch her just as I did that evening. I often found myself thinking about what she was doing while she was not with me. She had told me so much about herself that evening, but I still wanted to know more. She was the most intriguing person I had ever met and deep down I felt there was still so much more to know about her.

I spent the majority of my time looking for jobs. Having not got the job with the Baroness meant that I was in desperate need of one. Modelling was my dream, but it wasn't the most stable careers. I had auditioned for almost every job I saw advertised and still nothing. It was a cut throat industry full of merciless people like the Baroness, which meant that I had become used to receiving countless rejections. I often questioned why I bothered auditioning at all, maybe I just did not have it in me to be a model after all. All the other models I knew were beautiful, graceful and elegant - which was everything I was not.

My best friend was the person who encouraged me to get into modelling. But I was always doubtful. I had never been the most self-confident person, and I never believed other people when they complimented me, more often than not their complements felt hollow and feigned, as if they had an ulterior motive which they were trying to achieve through flattery. It felt different with Estella though, there was something about the way she complimented me that made me believe it was real, that she meant it. She made me feel things I had never experienced before, I was certain our connection was genuine.

Having to wait to see her again was insufferable. Why was she keeping me waiting for so long? Perhaps I was being too impatient, patience was never my strongest quality. I considered going back to the House of Baroness to see her, but I didn't want to seem too enthusiastic. Instead I watched the day go by as I re-lived every second of my time with her in my mind.

As the evening drew in, and the darkness cast a bleak shadow once again over the streets of London, I heard a knock at my door. I opened the door and saw her standing there holding my repaired dress in her arms, with a smile on her face that reminded me of the warmth of the sunshine.

"Estella!" I playfully exclaimed with a false sense of surprise as if I had not been waiting for her every night since I saw her last.

"I hope you got that bottle of wine." She said playfully as she walked through the door.

"Unfortunately not." I replied shaking my head.

She rolled her eyes and sighed before letting out a playful laugh. "Well, I will just have to take you out for a drink instead." She teased.

"Sure" I giggled "Right now?"

"Of course. Why else would I be here?" She laughed flirtatiously.

I glanced at her and smiled. "I'll grab my coat then."

We went to a small quiet bar, not too far from my flat. We spent the whole evening chatting and getting to know one another more. I totally in awe looking at her beautiful green eyes from across the table as I listened intently to her every word. Just being in her company gave me a warm fuzzy feeling deep inside that made me feel at ease.

After closing time she offered to walk me home. It was the most perfect evening, the moon shone down brightly on the city, lighting our path as we made our way back. She discreetly took my hand as we walked through the dark, and now empty streets of London, laughing and joking with one another. Her hand was cold, but I didn't mind at all, I felt warm from her presence alone.

"This is me" I said as we stood under a street light outside my flat. "Thank you for a lovely evening, Estella."

"No problem, Y/N." She replied. "I had a great time."

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