New beginnings

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The rest of the afternoon passed up by as we lay there in one another's arms sleeping, holding each other tightly. As I opened my eyes I had noticed that the sun had set and the darkness that the dusk had brought with it had crept up on us. The moonlight shone a glowing yellow light through the crack in my curtains illuminating the bright white of Estella's hair as she lay there sleeping soundly. I was tempted to leave her and to let her sleep the night away, she definitely needed it after all. But she was adamant that she was going to get Jasper and Horace that evening, and so I did as I promised and gently woke her up.

"Wake up." I whispered in her stroking the white of her hair.

"Not yet". She groaned in response, before pulling the covers over her head. I knew she was still exhausted.

"Come on baby, I know you're tired but you asked me to wake you. It's getting late. We have been sleeping all afternoon" I said as nudged her ever so slightly.

She reluctantly pulled the covers back from over her head. "What time is it?" She sighed as she opened her eyes, staring at me with her sleepy gaze.

"8 pm"

"8 pm?!" She exclaimed with a panicked look on her face. "Shit, we don't have much time. How have I slept for that long?"

"You needed it, you were exhausted." I replied smiling back at her. "Look I will go and make you something to eat and we can sort out how we are going to get Jasper and Horace out of jail."

She nodded her head in agreement and reached over and kissed me. "This is why I love you Y/N." She said caressing my cheek and staring deep into my eyes.

"Because I am going to feed you?" I joked giggling at her.

She shook her head, "because you're so kind and considerate. You're truly beautiful both inside and out."

I leaned back in and pressed my lips against hers. "I love you"

"I love you too" She whispered.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

We sat at my kitchen table and ate our food, discussing the plan to get Jasper and Horace released. As she further clarified a few things from earlier on I began to realise how wild her life actually was. She definitely wasn't joking when she said that she had a dangerous life. I felt increasingly anxious as she told me in more detail what had been happening these past few months.

"You have to let me help you. You can't do this alone." I begged trying to persuade her to let me help her. Despite my anxieties about the whole situation, I knew that I had to be there for her.

"No, Y/N I've already told you. You have to let me do it alone." She objected in an assertive tone, which shocked me ever so slightly.

"It is too dangerous Y/N, I couldn't bare loosing you too." She added in a quieter voice. "You have to trust me."

I nodded back at her. "I do, I just wanted to help you."

"You can help me by getting me a few basic things to replace what got damaged in the fire. You can drop them off at the house I am staying in when I get back."

"Why don't you stay here with me?" I replied.

"I can't, I have a lot of explaining to do to Jasper and Horace this evening. Including telling them about you." She muttered. I could see how anxious she was about that. She had told me after I met them in the park that Jasper and Horace had no clue about us, we had always kept our relationship a secret.

"Do you want me to be there?"

She nodded.

"Then I'll be there." I said kissing her on the cheek.

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