The art of revenge - Part 2

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The morning came quicker than usual. The bright sunlight broke through the crack in the curtains illuminating the tiny room that we were sleeping in. The feeling of her fingers gently running though my hair awoke me from my sleep. I opened my eyes to look up at her. Even first thing in the morning her beauty was otherworldly. The affection in her eyes staring down at me intently, made me smile.

"Morning. How long have you been awake for?" I muttered as I slowly awoke.

"Not long. I was just sitting here admiring the view." She whispered in response before gently placing a kiss on my forehead. "How did I get so lucky?"

"Stop it." I giggled sarcastically. "Are you nervous about tonight?" Despite her efforts to try to hide it from me, I could see how tense she was about the events that were to follow that evening.

"Not really. I've already told you Y/N there's nothing to worry about." She replied. "Let's not think about it and just enjoy right now."

"Are you sure you're not nervous." I asked hesitantly. "You know you can tell me"

"Yes." She mumbled as she moved in closer to me, brushing her lips across my neck. "I promise you that I'm fine." She added moving light kisses across my collar bone. She raised her head and placed a long passionate kiss on my lips before resting her forehead on mine. "My biggest concern is making sure you're okay my love."

I stared back into her eyes. "I am fine. You don't need to worry about me." I replied. Deep down I was terrified of everything going wrong and of losing her, but I didn't want her worrying about me.

"Good." She added. She began to lightly pepper her kisses down my jawline once more, as I ran my fingers across the warm soft skin of her back. As she continued to lower her kisses I was suddenly no longer concerned with thoughts that evening, instead my mind was only focused on her and I in that moment.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

We spent the rest of the day undertaking last minute preparations. Throughout the day I could see Estella was growing more and more agitated. Her temper was shorter than usual as she restlessly paced around the front room of John's flat making sure that everything was fully ready. Her mood swings were understandable, the whole thing was overwhelming and I too grew increasingly more anxious about things going wrong.

After one of her outbursts towards the others I insisted that she and I go for a walk. I could tell that she needed to take a moment to clear her head and I also needed a break from everything that was going on. The sun was now hidden behind a featureless blanket of gloomy grey clouds and the breeze in the air was cool and crisp, as we walked to the fountain at regents park. We briefly sat ourselves on a bench near the fountain admiring the view, clearing our minds, discussing everything other than what we had planned for that evening, before heading back to John's flat.

It wasn't long until the evening came. Estella had left early to get to Hellman Hall before the crowds of guests arrived. Jasper, Horace, Artie and I all arrived later in the evening along with the other guests so that we didn't draw too much attention too ourselves. I stood outside Hellman Hall, momentarily taking it all in. It was a large regal looking building that reminded me of something out of a fairy tale, I had never seen a building quite like it before. As I entered the ball I was faced with dozens of women all dressed as Cruella, but not a single one as enchanting and beautiful as her. The Baroness towered over the rest of the guests as she toasted Cruella's death clearly anxious to find the real Cruella.

It wasn't long until we had successfully escorted the guests on to the lawn outside. The sky was bleak and cloudy that night. Estella stood on the edge of the cliff, her red wig transforming her back into the Estella that I first met that day at the audition. I stood with Jasper, Anita and Artie watching as the Baroness leaned in closer to her. My heart was racing in that moment. The urge to go to her, to grab her away from the edge of that cliff was so intense. The crowd of guests gasped as the Baroness forcefully pushed Estella over the wall. My eyes welled up and it felt as if an eternal silence fell as we watched her disappear. I knew what was going to happen, I knew she had prepared for it, but that didn't make it any less terrifying watching as that evil woman pushed her over the edge of that cliff.

"Don't worry mate." Jasper whispered to me reassuringly. "You know she's going to be fine." I smiled back at him and nodded composing myself.

The police now approached the Baroness as she desperately yelled "SHE JUMPED" in an attempt to deny what had just happened. I was unable focus on what was going on, instead my thoughts were only of Estella and whether her plan had been successful. It felt as if time stood still in that moment of uncertainty, and I could feel a sickness in the pit of my stomach as I waited for her to reappear, to come back to me, just as she had promised she would.

Moments later the crowd began to follow the police they as slowly escorted the now handcuffed Baroness towards the front of Hellman Hall. I continued to drown in my thoughts of Estella as I too followed. I stood there for a moment anxiously waiting when I heard the drone of the car in the distance. It wasn't long before the car pulled up that Horace and Estella, or should I now say Cruella sat in.

"That Cruella woman IS Estella." The Baroness shouted as the police attempted to restrain her.

With a smug smile on her face Estella stepped out of the car in a new stylish outfit and introduced herself as the mysterious Cruella De Vil. Despite the fact that she had been pushed of a cliff only moments ago, she looked stunningly beautiful, as always. I had never been happier to see her. It took every ounce of self-control I had to stop myself from lunging at her and embracing her. All I wanted was for her to hold me and kiss me just like she had promised. But I knew I had to wait. Instead I stood there momentarily just gazing at her in relief. For a brief second we locked eyes on one another and the corners of her lips turned up as she discreetly gave me an affectionate smile. I couldn't help but instinctively smile back at her.

The Baroness continued to vow for revenge as she was arrested for Estella's murder. Our plan had worked and she had finally managed to get revenge on that awful woman. I had never felt prouder of her. Once the guests had left we all returned to Hellman Hall to celebrate our victory privately. For a moment I quietly sat and watched her smiling and joking with her friends. Seeing her happy and content after everything she had been through was amazing. She truly deserved this.

She caught me watching her and slowly began to walk towards me. Her green eyes widened as she tenderly cupped my face with her hands.

"Come here Y/N." She whispered leaning in closer. I looked up at her silently in amazement at her beauty. " I never break a promise." She added placing a passionate kiss on my lips.

"I love you." I muttered.

"I love you too." She replied as I felt her lips smile against mine.

AN - Sorry part 2 took a while to get published, I have been busy. I cannot believe that I am almost finished with this story. 

Please feel free to send me requests for Cruella One shots/short stories, so I have something to do once I have finished this.

As always I love reading your comments and hearing from you all. I hope you liked it. 

Love B x 

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