Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

"This is insane!" Chloe shouted as she walked into the kitchen.

"I guess," I said while taking a couple bottles of Tequila out the liquor cabinet.

"MORE alcohol?" Chloe asked in disbelief.

"Um, yeah," I rolled my eyes. "I haven't brought out that much yet."

"You brought out nearly a dozen bottles already!"

"But there are more than a dozen people here, Chloe." There had to be around sixty or seventy people here.

"Your home is amazing, I don't think you want random people puking everywhere."

"Chloe, I honestly don't care what they do to this freaking prison, okay? This is not my home, this is my temporary house and they can set it on fire for all I care. The maid will clean it all up in the morning anyway."

I grabbed the bottles and a few limes and bumped my way out of the kitchen, leaving Chloe there. So what if she was mad? She'd be okay.

I stood up the coffee table I sat next to the bar in the dining room. I stomped my high heel clad feet as hard as I could and yelled to get everyone's attention. A hush fell over the room and everyone's eyes were on me.

I smiled. "Having fun?" I asked.

They all whooped and yelled "hell yeah's" and "of course's!"

"Well," I told them. "It's time for...body shots!"

They shouted even louder.

"You first!" some guy yelled.

I laughed. "Suit yourself. Come on over here!" I waved him over.

"Don't mind if I do!" the guy said.

I laid down on top the bar and lifted up my shirt.

"Go Blake!" shouted some random partier from the crowd.

The guy, Blake, chuckled and so did I. I put a lime wedge into my mouth and he put salt on my stomach.

"Ready?" Blake asked.

"I'm waiting on you!" I assured.

He licked the salt off my stomach gently, his tongue working pleasurably, and then took the shot. He kissed me, taking the lime out of my mouth. The crowed roared. Boys clapped him on the back and gave him high fives.

I got up off the bar. "Good job," I whispered in Blake's ear.

"Thanks," he smiled. "It's not like you made it too hard."

"I'm Julianna."

"I'm Blake and I know."

I rolled my eyes and walked away, stumbling when someone grabbed my arm.

"What?" I hissed.

"Chill!" Taylor yelled.

"Sorry, you can't just pull me into a dark alley at night and not expect me to react."

"Umm, we're in your living room...not a dark alley."


"Anyway, do you know where Braden is?"

"Nope. I haven't seen him all night."

"Did he say he was coming?"


"Shit, it's already past twelve forty-five and we told his parents we were crashing at his place."

"It's twelve forty-five?!"

"It's almost one now."

"Um, I have to go. Tell Abby and Chloe I'll be back soon."

"Uh, okay?"

I walked quickly upstairs to my room and grabbed my bag. I went back downstairs and walked through the hall to the garage. I hopped in my car and backed up, maneuvering my way through the horde of cars in my yard so I could get to the street.

I got to Mr.Romano's house in no time, or at least that's what it felt like. I checked the time, seeing that it was now one twenty.

I got out of the car, pulling down my shorts. I locked my car doors and made my way to the front door. I turned the knob, execting it to be locked but instead it just twisted and the door popped right open. I stuck my head in then stepped in and closed the door behind me, locking it just in case.

I wandered around his house quietly and I easily found his bedroom. I opened the door quietly, stepping in, shutting the door behind me, dropping my bag to the floor, and kicking off my shoes. I climbed under the covers and into the bed, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"You're late," he mumbled.

"I know," I kissed his neck.

He sighed. "Mmm hmm."

"But I'm here now," I told him.

He rolled over and grabbed me roughly, placing me on top of him. He kissed me intensely, pulling me closer. I gripped the back of his neck and my fingers tangled in his hair. I tore off my shirt and then I tore off his. I sucked his neck gently and my hands trailed down from his chest to his navel.

"Uh uh, I don't think so," Mr.Romano said, stopping me from yanking off his pants.

"What?" I asked.

"Not tonight."

"What why?"

He smirked. "You were late. There are consequences."

"What the hell do you mean?"

"You can't have everything you want."

I groaned. "Are you serious? You suck! You get me all hot and bothered and then tell me no?"

He chuckled. "Yep! It's your own fault. You should have been here almost two hours ago."

I slipped on my shirt and shoes, not wanting to stick around. "You suck."

"But you love it."

I grabbed my bag. "Whatever."

"Be at my place tonight at eleven. Don't be late."

"You jerk!" I yelled, walking out. I heard him chuckle.

"A presto. See you soon."


The picture to the right is Chloe.

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