Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty-Six

"Thank you so much," I thanked Chloe again, blowing a strand of hair out my face.

"No problem," she smiled. "It's a miracle we could get all this done."

She came over after to school to help me with all my college applications. I was really pushing the deadline but I had to get it done. Not applying to college, even if I wasn't going, was definitely not an option. It was something that had to be done. Besides, it would feel good getting back all the acceptance letters.

"Tell me about it," I sighed.

"No offence," she said, "but I'm really surprised by your grades."

So far I was in the number two spot in my class. At my old school I was number three And since I've been here I never went lower than number three. Even though I don't look it, I am a very good student. My current un-weighted GPA was a 4.0 and my SAT score's 2310. I've done a lot of community service and I have great recommendation letters. When people hear about my academic side they are always surprised. But you know what they say: Don't judge a book by its cover!

"Thank you," I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Seriously. I would have never expected this fromy you. And the schools you applied to were good, especially the number of Ivy league ones. I mean, Columbia, Harvard, Yale, Brown, Dartmouth?" And the list goes on. "You have a really good chance at getting in to all the schools you applied to."

"Thanks. Where do you plan on going again?"

"Well, I applied to UCLA, USC, and the University of Phoenix. If you decide to come to UCLA after you get accepted, maybe we could be roomies!"

I chuckled. "Yeah, roomies."

She looked at her watch before hurriedly grabbing all her things and shoving them in her bag. "I've got to go."

We'd been working since 4 P.M. and it was now nearing 10 P.M. What can I say? She's an amazing friend.

"In a rush, are we?"

"Yes, ma'am! I didn't realize what time it was."

I smiled. "See you tomorrow."

"Bye!" She disappeared hastily.

I chuckled once more before heading upstairs and packing an overnight bag. Tonight I was staying over at Alex's. After getting everything together I headed off.


"Honey, I'm home!" I shouted as I walked through his front door.

"Oh, baby, baby, where have you been?" Alex yelled back dramatically as he ran into the room.

I squealed and giggled as he picked me up and spun me around in circles.

"I missed you," I said, as he shut the front door with his foot.

He walked to the bedroom. "I missed you too, girlfriend," he said as he laid me down gently on the bed.

I sat my bag on the floor by the bed and kicked my shoes off. "I love it when you say that, you know."

"What? Girlfriend?" he smirked.

The word just set off a whole new round of tingles within me. I never thought I'd hear it coming from his mouth.

I smiled embarrassedly. "Yeah."

"Aww," he said cheesily, crawling on top of me.

"Stop it," I blushed. I tried to shield my face so he couldn't see the colour in my face.

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