Chaper Thirty-One

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Chapter Thirty-One

"Happy Wednesday," the pricipal, Mr. James, boomed in the auditorium.

Nearly all the students groaned, including Taylor, Abby, Mallory, Braden, and Dean who were all sitting with me.

"Come on," he urged. "You're seniors! You should be a little more excited than that!"

There were a few scattered cheers.

"That's a little better," he said awkwardly. "But I'm sure you all know why you're here. The Senior Beach Trip is in only four short weeks!"

All the students now roared with excitement.

"That's more like it!" Mr. James smiled excitedly. "Yes, the Senior Beach Trip is in only four weeks. If you are under eighteen you will need to have your parents sign a permission slip which will be handed out as you exit the auditorium. We will be staying at the wonderful Balboa Bay Club and Resort."

The students began to murmur.

"I know you're all probably wondering how we could afford it. Truth is, we had a very willing person donate some money that could make it all happen. And instead of using regular school buses like we originally planned, we will be using Mercedes Benz S550 limousines as our main mode of transportation, which was also paid for by a very generous person."

They cheered.

"How much is this gonna cost us?" a student yelled from the crowd, and there were shouts of agreement.

"Well, everything has been paid for by the person who asks to remain anonymous. So this is an all expense paid trip! Breakfast, lunch, and dinner is paid for if you get from the resort and its restaurants, as is the room service. But you will all need to bring your own spending money. We will be staying there for four days and three nights; we arrive on Friday and leave on Monday so you are all excused from classes on the Monday that we get back."

They all whooped and hollered.

"As for the rooming arrangements, send your requests to Ms. Baker. The rooms we have booked have two queen-sized beds with a view of the Newport Harbor and there is only to be two students staying in each room. And there will be no co-ed rooming. So hurry and reserve your spot! But, there is more news! Prom is in six weeks and graduation is in nine weeks." Even more whooping and hollering. "The tickets for prom this year are fifty dollars in advance and seventy-five dollars at the door. If you need any information just contact Ms. Sharpe. And as for graduation, we will be giving you all the information you'll need at the end of this week and if you have any questions you can contact me, your guidance counselor, Mr. Wager, or Ms. Baker. Thank you, and enjoy the rest of your day."

As he climbed off the stage the bell rang and the school day was over.

"That's really nice of you, Julianna," Abby commented as we exited the auditorium.

"You think?" I asked.

"Of course," Mallory added.

"I mean, paying for hundreds of kids?" Abby said.

"And I heard rooms can cost up to six hundred a night."

"A night?"

"A night!"

"Wow. That must be some suite."

"Tell me about it. The cheapest room for a night is like, more than two hundred and fifty bucks."

"You're kidding."


"Whoa. For that much I could stay at a different hotel for three nights! Maybe even more!"

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