Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

"Where the hell were you?" Chloe yelled at me as I stepped inside my house.

"What do you mean?" I asked. "I told Taylor to tell you and Abby that I'd be right back."

"That was an hour ago."


"Yes! It was!"

"Chill yourself!"

"How can I with all these drunk, crazy people running around?"

"You tell me, you guys invited everyone. I don't even think I've seen half these people before."

"I didn't invite all these people single handedly."

"Whatever, just go upstairs to my room with Abby and I'll clear everyone out. You're really starting to get on my nerves."

She huffed and then turned around in search of Abby.

I rolled my eyes and then hopped up onto the table nearest to me.

"Listen up!" I shouted, managing to catch mostly everyone's attention. "My friend is acting all pissy, I'm sorry. You don't have to go home, but you've got to get the hell up out of here."

There were a lot of groans and "aww, man's".

"Sorry," I apologized again. "We can do this again another night. Now get out!"

Everyone poured out from all the rooms of the house into the foyer and then eventually out into the front lawn and their cars. I sighed, looking at the mess they'd made. It wasn't that bad, it was actually pretty tame compared to the parties back home.

I attempted to clean up a little. I threw away most of the cups, food, plates, etc. into a big black garbage bag. I put my hands on my hips and surveyed the rest of the damage; I was pretty darn proud of myself. But the maid could get the rest of the mess tomorrow.

I ambled upstairs tiredly and defeatedly. I walked into my room quietly, and smiled at the sight of Abby and Chloe sound asleep in my bed. Look at the cute little children. I grabbed a tank top and a sweatshirt and quickly changed, then threw my dirty clothes into the hamper.

I left my bedroom, closing the door behind me, and made my way to the first guestroom. I shut the curtain at the window then made my way to the bed. I snuggled deeply into the cold, soft comforter and was close to sleep when I heard something hitting the window. At first I thought I was imagining it but it grew louder and more frequent and I finally decided to check it out. I got up out of the bed and walked to the window. I saw a shape down there that looked like a person. Then the moonlight hit their face.

I threw open the window and stuck my head out. "Braden?" I hissed into the night.

"Julianna!" he shouted up at me.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Looking for you."


"Just...just let me in."

I sighed frustratedly. "Fine. Come to the front."

I shut the windows with annoyance and then trudged downstairs to the foyer and opened the front door. Braden was standing there, with an embarrassed look on his face.

"Come in!" I shouted.

"Right, sorry," he murmured and then stepped in.

I shut the door behind him and began to walk up the stairs. I heard Braden follow me. We both kept quiet as we made our way to guestroom. I sat on the bed and flicked on the lamp on the bedside table. Braden walked over and sat down on the bed next to me. I couldn't help but notice that he was in his pajamas and that he looked effortlessly hot as well.

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