Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

"So why are you here?" Alex asked as he slipped on his shirt.

I clasped my bra and slid on my Splendid fuschia, cotton racerback tank. "My dad shipped me here."


"He thought it would be best for me because I was getting 'out of control'." I rolled my eyes, climbing under the covers.

"How were you getting out of control?"

"It doesn't matter." I shifted my eyes from his gaze.

"Come on, tell me. I want to know."

I sighed deeply. "It wasn't anything major. I was just involved in a couple of drug busts and I totaled my favourite car like, twice. Um, I party, drink, and don't come home a lot, but what teen doesn't?"

"Drug busts?"

"Yeah, once for cocaine and twice for marijuana. But I just happened to be there when they got caught, I wasn't doing the smoking. I've only smoked marijuana twice - it's not for me."

"Wow. You don't come home a lot?"

"Correction, didn't. There was just no point in me being there, you know? A big lonely house with me, my dad, and the maid and chef. Exciting. I'd rather be somewhere else with someone who I know wants me, even if it's only for a minute."

"So did your mom volunteer to take you in or..?"

I laughed a humorless laugh. "Hell no. She doesn't want me, which is why I was staying with my dad. He pretty much forced her to take me." I hated my rambling on, but it was just so easy to talk to him.

"What do you mean she doesn't want you?"

I bit my lip, unsure or whether or not I wanted to tell him. "After my parent's divorced my mom left. I was really, really shocked. I wasn't expecting her to go. When they were together my mom and I were so, so close. So when she left I was kind of devastated. I was already spoiled but after and during the divorce my parents weren't around a lot and they spoiled me even more, my dad especially. It's like they were trying to make up for all the pain they caused and make everything better. They gave me numerous credit cards, bought me clothes upon clothes, they let me do whatever I wanted." I smiled sadly. "I felt like they didn't want me, like nobody wanted me. They gave me the world, when all I really wanted was for them to be there for me."

"I'm sorry. Why didn't you tell them that?"

"I couldn't, but I tried. There was someone who was there for least for a while, then they bailed. And that really sent me over the edge. That was when I really started partying, drinking, staying out and all that. It got worse as I got older. I didn't want to be home, ever. What for? So I could sulk around all alone? I don't think so. It was cold and unwelcoming in that too big house, filled with all sorts of false memories. I couldn't take it."

"Do you miss it? Being home, I mean."

"Loads. At least it was familiar, you know? I had friends, a couple best friends. I had freedom, somewhere to go, someplace to be, somebody to be with it. Here, everyone's boring and blonde. It's kind of sickening. The people are too nice, the families too sweet, the neighborhoods too suburban. It's all the same. I can't stand it. Not to mention everyone reeks of designer knock-offs, it seriously makes me want to gag."

He chuckled. "Everyone's boring?"

I smiled. "Okay, not everyone. But my English teacher is! OMG, let me tell you! Everyday I have to fight to stay awake in his class - it's so pathetic. Did I mention he's a jerk?"

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