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Once Lucian and Lief had gathered their supplies, they followed Jasmine down the path the trees had made for them. It was strange being back in the forest. Memories flooded Liefs mind of their quest to find the gems of Deltora. This was different. For one thing, Jasmine wasn't trying to kill him and for another thing he had no clue what he was looking for. All other times he had some kind of information telling him he was on the right path, but this time? This time he was as clueless as his companions. Lief knew that it doesn't matter. Wherever Jamsine went he would also follow. How could he not? Barda would be furious when he found out but there was not much he could do. Jasmine wouldn't and couldn't return to Del and there was no way he would leave her with Lucian. Lucian... He reminded him of Dain the ol. There was something about him that Lief didn't like. Despised even. There was something he wasn't telling anyone.

As if hearing Lief's thoughts, Lucian turned from his position besides Jasmine and smiled. What a snake. He smiled in return. Lucian whispered something to Jasmine, kissed her cheek and slowed his steps to reach Lief, who was lumbering behind.

"Why do you look as if you want to murder me? Lucian ran his hand through his dark thick locks.

"What do you mean?"

"Really Lief? Don't play dumb. I know you don't trust me and you have no reason to. The only thing keeping us in each other's company is the marriage contract... and Jasmine of course." Lief cleared his throat before replying.

"About the contract... I can't marry Genevieve. I'm sure we will find another way that will benefit both kingdoms but I want to follow in my father's footsteps and marry for love." Lief stole a glance towards Jasmine, who was chatting merrily with Filly and Kree. It didn't go unnoticed by Lucian.

"I see. How do you plan on getting out of this contract? Because as far as I'm concerned, there is nothing stopping you from pushing our Kindgom aside when you've gotten what you want from us. At least marrying Gen ensures that we are never forgotten." Lucian lowers his voice, so Jasmine wouldn't hear. "And besides do you really believe Jamsine, who you pushed away willingly might I add, would want to marry you. Has she really forgiven you for keeping all those secrets?" Liefs eyebrows shot up in surprise and then anger. "That's right. She told me. Everything." Lucian took a deep sigh before continuing. " I just want what's best for her.
She doesn't belong in the palace. We both know that."

Both men glanced at Jasmine. He was right, Lief thought, Jamsine has always felt like a prisoner when she was in the palace. But he had hoped he would be enough to convince her to stay. They had all but promised each other that they would one day marry. But even if Lief found a way to terminate the contract, would he be able to bring himself to force Jasmine into the life of politics and mannerisms. He knew Jasmine had wanted to go back to the forest. It was her home. She was free here.

"Why?" Was all Lief could say.

"Why what?"

"You know I love her. So why are you doing this?"

"Hmm. Jasmine is special. She has a fire inside of her that I've never seen before. She has a power inside of her that could rival the magic of the Torans." The wild look that came into Lucian's eyes, sent a chill through Lief. "It's her birthright. If you knew just how special she was you would never have let her go to the Shadowlands."

"What are you talking about?" Lucian didn't explain further. Instead he run to catch up with Jamsine who had put some distance between herself and the two men. Just as well. Lief had had enough of him. Their conversation had if fact confirmed one thing. Lucian was not to be trusted.


The sun had begun to set, as the group reached a small clearing. They had walked for a few hours and reached the darkest parts if the forests. Memories flashed of Lief's first time here. Although it was much safer than those days, Lief was still weary of his surroundings. People rarely came through the woods and those who did usually found themselves face to face with creatures straight out of nightmares. How Jamsine survived, he would never know.

"We should camp here. The tree seems strong enough for the three of us?"

"The tree?" Lucian's eyes rounded.

"Yes the tree. Unless you wish to be dinner for some of the creatures in forest, I suggest you close your mouth and start climbing." Jasmine shook her head and began climbing, still with all the equipment on her back. She never seized too amaze Lief. He watched as she jumped from branch to branch, without an ounce of fear on her face. Ignoring the stunned Lucian, Lief followed Jasmine's lead up the tree. Of course a lot less graceful. Not caring if Lucian had followed, Lief had reached the make shift landing Jasmine had started setting up.

"What?" Lief hadn't realised he was staring at Jasmine.

"Nothing." He cleared his throat. "I was just wondering how long to go?"

"Oh. I'm not sure. I hoped that the trees would tell me but they aren't very helpful. Just more images that make no sense."

Lief settled next to Jasmine unpacking his bag. "What kind of images?"

"Most of people walking in the woods. creatures and a few caves. As I said, nothing useful.

"You've never seen these people before. Maybe they are the ones that need help?"

"Maybe. It's all just frustrating. I have no clue what I'm meant to be looking for."

"It's okay-"

"No it's not okay. You don't understand. Once again, I am taking the King and the belt away from their rightful place. I've once again lead you on a most likely dangerous journey but this time I have no clue why!" Jasmine ran both hands through her dark tangles. "I'm sorry Lief. I'm so sorry."

"Don't apologise." He pulled her closer to him, wrapping her in his arms. "My rightful place is by your side. Never think otherwise. Never think that I would rather be in the palace then here with you. Besides between Barda, Doom and Sharn, the palace will run as smooth as if I were there. " There was a pause as both their minds wandered to a certain curly haired girl waiting for Lief to return.

"Lief nothing can happen between us until we figure out what to do with Genevieve."

"Agreed. I spoke with Lucian but he wasn't much help." Lucian. Lief had forgotten about the weasel of a man. Where was he? "Speak of Lucian, shouldn't he have arrived by now?."

"Maybe there aren't trees where he's from." Jasmine suggested. Lief chuckled. They both crawled to to edge of their makeshift platform to look down below. Lief softly cursed as Jasmine groaned.

Lucian was gone.

The Once and Future King (Deltora Quest)Where stories live. Discover now