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Mum! Mum! Don't leave me! Mum! Jasmine watched as her mother was taken away from her. This scene kept replying in her mind. She was missing someone or something.

Get up.

Mum? Is that you.

Get up. The voice sounded familiar. Jasmine had heard this voice many times before, she was sure of it.

Who are you?

I am apart of you. I will always be.

I don't understand.

You will soon enough. Trust us.

Who's us?

Wake up!

I can't. Leave me alone.

"Wake up! - Jasmine wake up! Jasmine!" Jasmine woke up to Lief shaking her.

"Lief! Stop! I'm awake! Get off me!" Lief stopped, looking wearily at her. Jasmine's throat felt dry. Had she been screaming?

"Are you ok?"

"Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?" Groaning Jasmine sat up slowly, trying to take in her surroundings. She was in a bedroll, a lamp to her left, next to Lief... It was a tent. She was in a tent. Sunlight streamed through the cracks. "Where are we?"

"Just outside the forest." Lief started to rise helping up Jasmine. "We found you in the forest unconscious. Can you tell us what happened?"

"I need water." Jasmine swayed unsteadily on her bare feet. Lief caught her before she could fall.

"Of course. He will be here soon."

"Who will?"

"I will" The tent flap opened to reveal Lucian holding a pitcher of water in one hand and a cup in the other. "How are you feeling?" Lucian poured water into the cup and handed it to Jasmine.

Shrugging out of Lief's hold. Jasmine took the cup with a grateful nod and drained it in one gulp. She held out the cup for another. As she drank water, both men stared at her curiously.

"What?" Jasmine glared at the pair and kept drinking until the water had finished. "I'm hungry." A smile tugged on Lief's lips.

"Hey, Jasmine" Lucian took a tentative set towards her.


"You okay?"

"Why do you people keep asking me that? I must have falled asleep or something. What are your problems. You're acting like you've seen a ghost."

Both men stared at each other. Worry creased their foreheads. With a sigh Lucian took her hand and guided her back down on the bedroll. "Sweetheart,-" Lief rolled his eyes at the pet name. Lucian ignored him and continued. "-we found you in the forest 3 days ago, surrounded by tree roots. We couldn't get you out. You were unconscious." Lucian cleared his throat before continuing. "We came back yesterday and the trees were gone. But... your eyes."

"What about my eyes?"

Lief crouched down to level with them, as he continued for Lucian. "They were glowing emerald. Like the belt."

The room was silent for a moment before Jasmine burst out laughing. "Sure, guys. The last thing I have is glowing eyes. Do you hear how ridiculous you guys sound." Standing Jasmine turned to stare down at the handsome pair.

"Don't you remember anything?"

"All I remember is sleeping in my home because I was waiting for your group of snails to catch up to me. I arrived days ago I know that much. If I was actually asleep for 3 days, why are we still here? Why didn't you take me back to the castle to see a proper physican?"

The Once and Future King (Deltora Quest)Where stories live. Discover now