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Where had the fool wondered off to? Surely he knew the dangers of these woods? Or any woods for that matter. Just because the Shadowlord had been defeated didn't mean all evil had. Jasmine swiftly ran through the forest well aware of the setting sun. If she didn't find him before dark... too bad Genevieve hadn't come with them. She knew it was horrible to think such a thought, but she didn't like Gen any more than Lief liked Lucian. Hence why Lief offered to stay at their camp site. He knew she could handle herself. Maybe even more than Lief in these forests. And she couldn't afford slowing down for him either. Jasmine refrained from calling Lucian's name, just in case any creatures decided to start their hunt early.


Jasmine halted. Looking around for the source of the voice. Nothing. Jasmine started to continue forward when the voice came again.


"Where?!" Jasmine groaned in frustration. Who are you?? Get out of my head!

It's here

What's here? There's nothing.


"What's here?! Get out of my head you stupid voice!" Frustrated Jasmine clapped her hands over her ears, willing the voice to leave.

"Jamsine?" She turned around to face Lucian, who stared at her curiously. "Who are you talking to? The trees?"

"Where the hell were you? We need to leave now!" Without another word, Jasmine began to drag Lucian back in the direction of the camp.

"What's going on? Slow down." Jamsine ignored him. "Left go of me." She swiftly turned to face him.

"Can you keep up because we don't have much time."

"Led the way." Jasmine rolled her eyes as Lucian made a bowing gesture. She took off through the trees, dodging fallen branches and logs. She listen for the close footsteps of Lucian. Satisfied that they were near enough, Jasmine began to pick up her pace. Howls could be heard for afar and grew louder as the night loomed over them. 

The two continued this pace until they arrived at the tree where Lief has been waiting.

"Jasmine is that you?" Lief poked his head over the ledge, after hearing quiet footsteps.

"What did I tell you Lief?" Jasmine ushered Lucian up the tree following closely behind.

"I know. I know. Don't talk or show my face. I was just worried." Lief moved to let Lucian on the platform. He then offered a hand to Jasmine which she refused.

"What if I had been someone or something else?"

"Well then I hope Marilen had adjusted herself to palace life." Jasmine didn't laugh at his poor joke. "What happened anyway? Where did you go?" His last question was directed at the Marquess.

"I...I thought I heard a voice." Neither companion looked convinced. Lucian quickly continued. "It was nothing. But them I saw Jasmine talking to herself. Are you okay?" Both were well aware of his awful attempt at changing topic, but neither said anything.

"The next time you decide to wander off, please remember that you have a cousin to return to. "

"Of course, Your Majesty."  Lief rolled his eyes as he set up for bed. Jasmine and Lucuan followed suit.

The howls and shouts of monsters and their prey continued throughout the night. Jasmine didn't know what time it was when she was woken by sudden movements. Lucien had moved towards the edge of the platform, looking towards the direction they had come from.

The Once and Future King (Deltora Quest)Where stories live. Discover now