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Lief had locked himself in his study, drowning himself in work. Both Barda and Sharn had willed him to take a break, but neither could persuade him. Lief paced around the room, trying to come up with a solution to the farmers problem.

Ever since he defeated the Shadow Lord, famine had spread throughout the land, killing crops. Any of his people were starving. The courageous ones set out to scouts the lands for any sign of fertile land, to no avail.

If he had know what would become of his land, Lief would have searched for another solution, but he knew that killing the Shadow Lord was the only way.  Whatever was killing his land, he had to stop it, before it was to late.

Loud knocks on the door, pulled Lief out of his thoughts. "I'm busy. Go away."

"Lief, it's me Lucian." Lucian? What on earth did he want. The contract had been arranged and the wedding date had been set. Lief tried to think of a reason, for Lucian's appearance, but failed to do so.

"Come in." At least he wasn't going to try and get him to come out. If anything, he would be happy that Lief is marrying his cousin. It meant that... No. He was not going to say her name. Otherwise, hours of what ifs would start again.

Lucian hesitantly opened the door. "Lief can we discuss something. It's urgent." Lief stopped his pacing and sat down, motioning Lucian to do the same.

"Of course. What is the matter?"

"You." Lief's eye brow rose in question. Did Barda put him up to this?

"What about me?"

"You have locked yourself in this room and have refused to come out for weeks. Why?"

"You and I both know why."


"Don't say her name."

"Are you serious! You take baths like it's a chore and refuse to socialize with your family because of a girl? You are the king of Deltora, girls are the least of your problem. People are dying and you are here wondering if Jasmine will ever come back. I too love her-" Lief had heard enough.

"Oh please, stop talking. Did you come in here to reprimand me or do you have something worth my time?" Lief crosses his arms over his chest, waiting for Lucian's response.

"My apologies. I did have another reason to seek you out. There has been a romour going around town that ols have been sighted."

"That's impossible." It must be mistake. The Shadow Lord is dead so all his vile creatures should be dead as well."

"That's what we thought as well, however, it turns out that the Shadow Lord isn't completely destroyed."

"What in the name of Adin are you talking about. I killed the Shadow Lord. I watched it die. You have the audacity to tell me that it's still alive."

"Listen to me. He's dead but his seed has been planted."

"What seed?"

"We don't know, but the point is that, these people might be telling the truth. We want to send a team out to confirm the rumours."

"Send a team out? Of who? Why hasn't anyone informed me of this development?" It was Lucian's turn to raise his brow. Of course, he had locked himself in his study, but someone could have yelled through the door or slid a bit under it. He didn't completely shut himself out.

"Fine. I'll join. Where were the old sighted?"

"The Forest Of Silence." Jasmine. Lief rose abruptly, knocking his chair over.

"Why didn't you come tell me sooner. People could be in danger!"

"No one would step foot in the forest, Lief, no one lives there. What is going on?"

"Jasmine, you fool! She said she was leaving."

"Didn't she tell you where?"

"No, but I assume, she went home. We need to get there quickly before it's too late." Lief started packing his gear. "Jasmine can handle herself but not agains a dozen ols. I almost lost her twice to them. I refuse to let it happen again."


"What?" Lief turned around to face Lucian. A wild look entered his eyes. He was scared for Jasmine's safety.

"She's safe."

"How do you know?"

"She went to the forge, not the forest."

"What? The forge? Why would she go there."

"It wasn't the palace." Lucian shrugged.

"So your saying that, she was in walking distance this whole time and no one thought to tell me."

"If you had gone to see her, she wouldn't have let you in. She is happy now, leave her alone."

"Wait. You've seen her."

"Of course."

"Get out."


"I said get out!" Stunned, Lucian scrambled to get out of his seat and walk towards the door.

"She has moved on Lief. Don't you think it's time you did as well?" Lucian closed the door behind him.

Lief slumped back in his seat, running his hands through his hair in frustration. How could she? Sighing Lief stood up and began to pace the room. Ols in the Forest Of Silence? What could they be up to and who were they working for? The Shadow Lord's seeds of death? What a day. It was time for bed. Tomorrow they would search the forest, but for now, sleep was all he could think of.

Tired and worn out, Lief left his study to enter his room. Taking his boots off and his jacket, Lief fell into bed, not bothering about the sheets. Tomorrow, was a new day. Maybe on the way they could... no. He wasn't going to stir old emotions. If she didn't want to see him, he should respect that. Lief's mind was a whirlwind  of concern. Concern for his people. Concern for Jasmine. What if she never forgave him? His thoughts faded away, as sleep came over him. Tomorrow...

The Once and Future King (Deltora Quest)Where stories live. Discover now