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After their race to the top of the tree, which Jasmine inevitably won, the two collected their belongings and headed inside for lunch. Apparently, Genevieve had a big announcement she wanted to make, so everyone needed to be there.

"I don't understand how you two are related. She's a monsters." Hand in hand, Lucian and Jasmine walked through the hall towards their separate rooms. Lucian let out a soft chuckle.

"She's not that bad, just a little uptight."

"And high maintenance. Did you see the way see threatened to behead the person who soiled her new dress. The person I really pity is her maid. That poor woman has to endure her constant complaints. Why on earth would..." Jasmine stopped herself.

"It's ok. I understand. It's takes a while to get over your first love. I can wait." Lucian guides Jasmine around the corner, only to come face to face with Lief.

"Oh Your Majesty, my apologies. " Lucian does a curt bow. Jasmine remained standing. Life's eyes move from Lucian to Jasmine to their joined hands. His eyes twitch in annoyance.

"Lucian. Jasmine." He waits for Jasmine to look at him, but she remains staring at her feet. He sighs and continued, "Lucian I trust that you have settled in well?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. I thank you for your generous hospitality. I must apologize for my brashness yesterday, it was uncalled for."

"I trust that something like that won't happen again. We don't need Jasmines reputation being sullied before she can find an appropriate suitor." Lief glances at Jasmine to gage her reaction. So far nothing. He turns back to Lucian. "And please call me Lief. I'm getting tired of formalities."

"Yes, Lief." The three stand in an awkward silence for a few moments before Lief speaks up again.

"Lucian have you made transport arrangements to go back home?" Jasmine looked up at this news.

"You're leaving?" Both men turn to face her. Jasmine gives Lucian a disbelieving glare. "When? Why didn't you tell me."

" Jasmine I only came to approve the match. I have duties back home. You must have know I was going to leave sooner or later."

Jasmine slipped her hand from his and took a step away from the both of them. "When?"

" Don't be like this Jasmine. Not for a while. We have plenty of time together."

"Forget it." Jasmine marched off towards her room. "We have a bigger announcement to prepare are selves for." With that Jasmine slammed the door.

"She's rather impulsive, isn't she."

"You have no idea." Lief gives Lucian a sympathetic pat on the back. Both men go their separate ways, to prepare for lunch.

Once everyone has been seated at the dining table, the food had started to arrive. Light conversation was made between the group, although Jasmine avoided takin to both Lief and Lucian.

The plates were cleared, once everyone had finished eating and the place was devoid of any noise. Genevieve stood up and tapped her glass with a fork.

"Could I have everyone's attention, please." No one was speaking, Jasmine thought to herself.

"As you all know, Lief and I are getting married." She stopped speaking to wait for an applause which never came. "I said Lief and I are getting married." This time everyone at the table, except Jasmine, gave half hearted claps.

"Anyway, we have decided on a date. This coming spring. As our first act as King and Queen, we have decided to make some changes around here." Jasmine had heard enough.

" Spring? Isn't that a bit ambitious." Jasmines voice was laced with sarcasm. "And who died and made you Queen. You arent married yet."

"Jasmine." Lief's voice was full of warning.

"Darning it's ok, let me handle the situation." Gen turned back to Jasmine with a smug smile. "I can do whatever I want, I'm going to be the Queen."

"Oh, Silly me. I forgot the world revolves around you. How how much oxygen do you have to inhale to have your head that full of hot air? Do you not realize that you are not a Queen yet, or did you forget that little detail." Jasmine stood up to continue, but Lief held up how hand to silence her. Barda looked like he was holding in a laugh. Sharn and Doom gave Lief a disapproving stare. He needed to control the situation before it got out of hand.

"Jasmine, could I have a word with you."

"No you may not Your Majesty, I have nothing to say to you." Jasmine turned her attention back to Gen. "You however," she pointed a finger in Genevieve's direction, "need to learn you place."

Before any more could be said, Lief dismisses everyone from the room, leaving just himself, Jasmine and Genevieve.

"You're  mistaken Jasmine. I know my place. I'm the one marrying Lief. Something you failed to do. I know you've had a little crush on him, it's obvious by the way you drool every time you see him. Here's the thing, I have him and you don't. I will be the queen and you won't."

"How dare you! You crawled your way up here. You're a selfish little rat who is desperate for attention. You know nothing about being queen. For your information, I don't want to be queen. You can have fun for all I care. He's nothing to me."

Lief couldn't believe his ears. They were speaking as though he wasn't there. "Enough!" Lief's voice carried throughout the dinning room, silencing any arguments made by the two women. "I understand that you are both stressed and tired, but this is no way for ladies to behave, especially while others were eating. Both of you need to leave and calm down. You may come back when you have settled."

"You know what Lief, I'm leaving but I won't be coming back."

"What are you taking about?" Lief ribbed his temple.

"I'm going home, don't try and stop me." With those last words, she stormed out of the hall. Lief started after her in disbelief. Now? She's going back to the forest, now? He could understand why she was upset, but running from her problems wouldn't solve them. Lief fell back into his chair. Gen came behind him and started massaging his shoulders.

"Forget about her."

The Once and Future King (Deltora Quest)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن