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Jasmine woke up to darkness, even though she knew it should be midday. When her eyes adjusted, she could make out a small hole directly above her face. The last thing she remembered was being chased down by... she wasn't sure what it was. It was ghostly but had a soft silhouette. It reminded here of an ol, but when it grabbed her, she could feel the life flowing through it, as if a person with extremely cold hands and grabbed her.

Where am I? She thought to herself. You are safe. It was that voice again. Jasmine didn't know whether to trust it or ignore it. The last time a strange voice had spoken to her, she had gotten herself, Lief and Barda, captured by the Shadow Lord. Never again.

Ad Jasmine sat up slowly, the tree roots dispersed. Arise, sweet Jasmine. The soothing voice created a clam that rushed through her. She all of a sudden felt energized. Standing up slowly, Jasmine stretched, only to feel a jolt of pain rushing through her abdomen. Of course, the creatures had sunk his claws into her. How could she have forgotten? More importantly, why hadn't she bled to death? Refusing to waste nor energy thinking, she started walking forward back to her treehouse.

When she reached it, Jasmine's feet felt numb and her head was spinning. Where are Lief and Lucian? Irritated that they hadn't waited for her, Jasmine called out to Kree. She waited a while. After a few minutes, she decided he wasn't here. Leaning on the tree, nearest to her, Jasmine asked it if there was anyone nearby. Quickly the tree responded. Based on its description, Jasmine guessed those two men were Lief and Lucian. She asked for direction and headed on her way.

Jasmine's newly gained energy, was quickly evaporating. At a little more than halfway, she forced herself to stop and rest. She willed herself not to collapse, because if she did, she wouldn't be able to get back up. After a few minutes, jasmine started walking again. What had possessed her to come and investigate the ols rumours on her own? She was now reprimanding herself, for acting so rash. Of course, she would never admit that to Lief, or Lucian for that matter.

Once she reached the edge of the forest, Jasmine came upon a camp, bustling with life. Rest little one. Jasmine smiled and succumbed to exhaustion.

"I told you, we should have stayed with her! Now she is worse than she originally was."

"If you knew how bad the situation was, why didn't you try and get her out?!"  Jasmine awoke out of her unconsciousness to a bickering Lief and Lucian. Won't those to ever shut up! Irritation laced her thoughts. Jasmine considered waking up to yell at the two, but thought better of it when a pounding began in her head.

Slowly, Jasmine opened her eyes. She allowed herself a few seconds to adjust to the light, before opening them fully. "Lief." She couldn't recognize her own voice. It was coarse and dry. "Water."

"She's awake! Get her some water." Lief ordered Lucian to go and fetch water from the water supply. Grumpily, he obeyed. "How are you?" Lief, picked up Jasmine's hand and frowned when he felt how cold it was. "What happened?" Jasmine scowled back. How did he expect her to answer?

Lief shook his head laughing. "I'm sorry Jasmine." -his laughter died down- "for everything."

Rolling her eyes, Jasmine tried to sit up. A sharp pain radiated from her side and she fell back down, curling herself into a ball. Sweat gathered on her forehead, as she began to pant.

"Jasmine! Be careful. You were badly injured." Lief bent down to touch her, but Jasmine quickly shakes her head. He reluctantly pulls back. "What happened to you, Jasmine? Why wasn't I here to help you?"  Lief continued to beret himself, and frankly, Jasmine was sick of it. Once she had regained her voice, she sat up slowly and faced him.

"For heaven sakes, Lief. I'm fine. You couldn't have done anything to save me." Jasmine tried to stand but her legs betrayed her and gave out. Before she could reach the ground, strong hands wrapped around her torso.

"Careful." Life steadied her on her feet. When he was sure she was stable, he released her. "You are in no shape to walk. You lost a lot of blood- less than you should have- but still a lot." Jasmine tried to take a tentative step forward before her body gave out once again. Life caught her and gently helped her back to her bed.

"Take me to the forest."

"What? Why? Are you thirsty? Lucian should be back by now. Honestly, you trust the guy to do a simple-"

"Lief! Take me to the forest!" Jasmine tris once again to get up. She heaps Lief's sleeve as support. "Please." Frustrates and tired Jasmine crumpled onto the bed.

"Jasmine!" Lief quickly gathered Jasmine in his arms and carried her outside. He ignored all the curious glances as he ran towards the forest. "Where are we going?"

"Take me somewhere private."

"And where would that be. I have scouts covering every inch of the forest."


"I was worried about you and we needed to find the ol's hiding spot."

"It's not an ol."

"What makes you say that."

"Oh I don't know. I didn't just almost die trying to fight it." Jasmine rolled her eyes. Once Lief found a secluded area, he carefully laid Jasmine on the ground.

"Ok what now."


"Absolutely not." Lief stands up scanning the place for wood to build a fire.

"Go. They won't do anything around you."

"Who is they?" Lief walked over to a pile of trigs and sticks. He bent down to select a few.

"The trees."

"What are they going to do. I thought they could only speak to you." Lief carried the sticks back to Jasmine and laid them a few feet away, but close enough that she could still feel the warmth.

"Lief, they saved my life."

"Oh yes, the cocoon. How could I forget." Lief busied himself with making the fire.

"Look at me. What's wrong with you?"

"I almost lost you!" Lief abruptly turned around startling Jasmine. "I have never felt so helpless before. When I saw you inside that... thing. I though the worst. I swore to myself that I would never leave you again."

"You didn't lose me. I was safe."

"How was I meant to know that."

"Lief, you won't always be around to protect me."

"Yes I can."

"No you can't."

"I can try." Lief stood up on shaky legs. He scanned his surroundings, looking for an excuse not to look at Jasmine after his outburst. "Anyway, we need to get back before it gets dark."

"I can't move Lief."

"I know. I'll carry you."

"No. You don't understand. I can't move from this spot. They won't allow me." Lief turned and saw vines creating up Jasmines arms and legs, pinning her to the spot. He unsheathed his sword and positioned it to cut the vines.

"No! I'm alright Lief. They are helping me."

Lief dropped to his knees in defeat. "What's going on Jasmine? I'm so scared."

"Come back for me tomorrow. I'll be safe. You need to trust me. I will always come back to you."

Lief stood up and slowly made his way back to the camp. He stayed silent the whole way, going straight to bed when he arrived. Sleep came quickly, and his dreams were filled of Jasmine. Come back to me.

The Once and Future King (Deltora Quest)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang