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Just as soon as it had started, the kiss had also ended. Jasmine's first kiss had been with the boy, or rather, with the man she loved. Heat spread though her as she leaned into Lief's warmth, his breath matching hers. The two looked into each other's eyes, until Jasmine saw a wave of guilt and regret flood over Lief.

"Jasmine, I-" jasmine laughed, interrupting what he was saying.

"Lief it's ok. I won't tell anyone what happened. It is between us. I'm just glad you're not keeping secrets from me again.

"No. You don't understand." Lief stood up and offered his hand to help Jasmine as well, which she happily took. "I regret what I did. It was a foolish and immature thing to do. I don't know what came over me. Forgive me Jasmine."

"What are you talking about Lief? Why did you regret it? Why would you say such things. You don't mean it." Jasmine ripped her hand from his grip and stumbled backwards. Holding a tree for support Jasmine turned to face Lief. "You're just tried Lief. My friend wouldn't say that. The man I love wouldn't say that."

"That's just it Jasmine. Listen for once. Stop being so stubborn. I can never marry someone like you. I can't love you either, it is unheard of. What would the people say." Lief ran his hand though his hair, sighing in frustration.

"What do you mean 'somebody like me'! Are you ashamed to be seen with a witch. Weren't you the one who said it didn't matter what anybody thought. You know what, you're right. I would never be caught dead with the likes of nobility anyway. They are the same. Arrogant fools who believe themselves to be higher than anyone. The king is the worst. Being king has made you old and calculated, isn't that right Lief. You're hiding something from me and everyone knows except for me" Jasmine walked up to him, until they were face to face. She poked him in the chest and seethed four words that made Lie's world crumble.

"You're dead to me." Lief was stunned to the spot. He had lost his best friend. Doom did say being king had its own sacrificed, but he never thought Jasmine was amongst them. His heart tore at his chest, frantically searching for an answer to her anger. Promises were hard to keep and loving her was also out of the question. Jasmine straightened herself to her full height. She had grown over the past year, reaching up to his chin. "Now I must be keeping you away from you precious bride. Your princess awaits you." Without moving from the spot, Lief searched Jasmine's eyes for any sign of regret, to no avail. Without another word, Jasmine stormed off through the cluster of trees, out of sight.

He never imagined it world end like this. He thought they would grow old together, but alas, dreams fade away. His title was all he had now, and the respect of his people. Jasmine or no Jasmine, he would marry Princess Genevieve, to unite the two kingdoms.  A pang go guilt spread through him. He was undeniably harsh to Jasmine, but the stone had to be dropped. If this kept going on, Lief would have done something he knew he would regret.

Once Lief reached the picnic area, he scanned the scene searching for Jasmine. She sat alone near a tree reading a book. Reading a book? When had she taught herself how to read. She was full of surprised. Lief couldn't help but smile. His gazed focused back to Gen and her escorts. Barda and Sharn were with her, looking bored at a tale that was being told by Gen. he stifled a laugh as Barda, plastered a fake smile and nodded, as if he knew what she was talking about. His gaze met Lief's then drifted to Jasmine on the far right. A groan escaped his lips along with a silent curse. He knew. Well not everything, just that they had a fight, and as usual he would have to solve it.

"Sir Barda." His attention was snapped back to the princess. "Are you listening?"

"Of course, Princess." She looked sceptical but shrugged it of then continued her story."

"As I was saying, where is Lady Jasmine from. She doesn't seem to belong here." Genevieve made no effort to cover her rude remark.

"She is from the Forest of Silence. Jasmine was one of the people who helped recover the belt and save Deltora."

"Of course, is she in love with Lief?" Barda spluttered his drink at her bold question.

"No of course not." He cleared his throat then looked at Sharn who had taken an interest in a small flower.

"Oh, do not lie. A blind man, could see she is deeply in love with him, that is not my concern. Is he in love with her?" Barda hesitated before answering.

"No, he isn't."

"That's good. I would have hated to interfere." Gen's gaze drifted to Jasmine leaning besides a tree. "In fact I shall go and talk to her now."

"I'm not sure if that is a good idea, Your Highness."

"Oh do not fret, I shall return soon." With that Genevieve rose and walked towards Jasmine. "Jasmine, I would like to talk to you." Jasmine put her book on the grass and straightened herself out, as well as one could siting down.

"Yes, Your Highness."

"Please call me Gen. I want to be friends." She plopped herself beside Jasmine then faced her."

"What would you like to talk about, Gen?"

"Lief." At the mention of his name, her hands clenched into fists beneath her damp dress.

"What about him?"

"He is wonderful, and I would like to get your blessing on the marriage, since you two are so close."

"That won't be necessary."

"Why ever not?"

"We aren't friends anymore."

"Oh, isn't that too bad." Her words held a mocking tone, and her smile raised Jasmine's suspicion. "There are plenty more fish in the sea. As friends of course, because why would a king ever have anything to do with a mere forest born wild girl. Right?" Here smile turned to a sneer. What was she playing at?

"Yes of course."

"Good, so now that we are clear, I would love it if you would be my maid of honour." She was playing with her, that much Jasmine knew. Being so close to Lief during his wedding would irritate her, and Gen knew that.

"I would be honoured." The thought of Lief being with someone else made here blood boil. But he chose his fate. She wouldn't interfere. She just hoped he knew what he was getting himself into

Another chapter done.
I'm sorry these were late, I was
Travelling and wasn't able to post them.
I hope you enjoy 😉

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