⁂ Author Notes

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Hey Readers!

I just want to start with, from a reader to another reader. You are welcome to text me or chat with me to read some of your books because I will gladly read it.

I am a major book worm and have read many books (I don't read sci-fi, sorry it just not my type of genre).

Not joking!

On a serious note, I started this book way back in 2016 but it was never going the way I wanted it too or liked the way it was heading. I had a plot but it was missing key details and it really upsetted me. I had so many drafts and so many plots changes, I felt like I was going insane.

I gave up on this book way more than I can count. Until one day while talking to my younger sister, she pulled up an app, it was wattpad.

She began writing her own story and I got curious so I searched up her username and read her books. She was a terrible writer, but it was expected as a 12 year old. I did like the plot though.

I began talking to her about her story and her imaginative mind with so much creativity had her building this magical world of hers that was filled with monsters, friendship, love, and hate.

On that night, we were sitting in the living room with one light on and for some reason she seem brighter than that single light in the room. She was glowing up, shining brighter than the sun.

Then it hit me, she didn't care about who would read her book. She didn't care if someone were to disrespect her writing style. She only cared to write her story because of her imaginative mind. Her stories were literally building an entire world in her head.

She wanted to write what happen in that world. She wanted to write all drama that unfolded. She wanted to remember what happen.

She helped give me a boost that I needed to finally write these books and finish.

I was lost when I started writing, my books felt like a ticking time bomb waiting to explode in my face. For a long while I felt like I didn't have the skills to write a story.

But it's not all about the skills, it about the story building and the world building and the determination to write this story. Take it from my 12 year old sister whose writing is terrible, but she has one hell of a good story.

I admire her confidence...

Her admiration....

This time I will write it because of myself and for myself.

I love you sister and Thank you.


If you do happen to read my book, just bear with me it starts off slow but gets more romantic as the story goes.

And be warned this book will take you on a roller-coaster of emotions.

The Alpha King's BrideOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz