⁂ Chap. 2 Beginning

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He has trust issues with others because of what happen to him in the past. He has never trusted anyone after his experience. He would push people away, thinking that he only needed himself and his brother to be happy.


I proceeded in a linear path, attentively observing my environment at the vibrant foliage and different landscape, the sun's radiance and the billowing clouds, and the brisk breeze against my skin. The experience proved to be both tranquil and rejuvenating, prompting me to question what I had been overlooking.

The azure skies resounded with the chirping of birds darting overhead, while rabbits and squirrels concealed themselves within foliage, observing the passing group of individuals. The multicolored leaves descended to the ground, forming mounds of foliage and their hues fading upon detachment from the trees.

Lost in my own thoughts, the higher ranking Werewolf spoke, " Your next destination will be 5 miles away. You are permitted to walk from there and back. There will be no breaks, no snacks, and no talking during the walk. Your task is to fix the damaged roads. Before we start, we will take a 30-minute break here."

I watched as the higher ranking Werewolf walked towards one of the wolves, discussing things in secret. I felt kind of out of place, not sure what to do, I watched as the others took out some bread or fruit and began eating it.

I didn't even bring anything with me, let alone some food, I felt small taps on my shoulder. "Henry, what kind of clouds are in your head?"

"Hey Liam, it nothing just looking," I saw him chewing down on a round circular bread.

He noticed me staring and breaks off a piece. He hands me the piece of bread I stare at it confused, "Well? My hands are getting tired." He gestured, waving the bread up and down.

I reach out my hands, grabbing the piece of bread, "Thank you.." We both ate in the awkward silence.

I became increasingly suspicious of Liam's seemingly kind gestures. First, he saved me from the werewolves, and now he was offering me food. Such acts of kindness were not commonplace, as typically people prioritized their own needs before extending help to others.

I detected the sound of faint footsteps, a small boy beside Liam came into view, "Hey kiddo!" He ruffles the boy's hair. "Henry, I like for you to meet my younger brother, Timmy, short for Timothy. "

I waved slightly, " Hi Timmy."

He looks at me without saying a word, then looks away. I lower my hand down, I guess he is not much of a talker. I look up at Liam, he nervously chuckles, "Sorry, he is a mute."


Liam breaks a piece of his bread, giving it to Timmy, I spoke softly. "I'm so sorry I didn't realize....."

"Don't be, he's been this way ever since our parents die. Don't take him for granted. As small as he may seem, he is stronger than you think he is." Liam explains.

I watched as Timmy was eating his bread, I couldn't help but feel relieved at how a small boy like him grew up with a strong will? The world is constantly changing and growing more dangerous.

The 30-minute break was done, and everyone gathered and began following a giant wolf that led us to our work. The wolves around us would growl at us when someone would break the rule by eating or talking, I tried my best to keep quiet and obey the werewolves.

After that one hour walk we finally started, my job was to carry the stack of stone over to the group of worker filling in the holes on the road. It was getting extremely difficult as the hours went by and trying to keep the same pace.

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