⁂ Chap. 7 Hidden

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Ren Adyran's Beta, Second in Command

He was Adyran's best friend that specialized in combat, after Adyran lost father and brother, the two have vowed to become the strongest werewolves, with a goal in mind. The death of the Rotter.


I raised my hands up against his chest, pushing him away from me " What purpose do you have for keeping me here in the kingdom?"

He raised his left eyebrow seemingly confused at my question, " What?"

" Why would the king keep me here in the palace? I heard from others that he was a vicious wolf that killed humans on sight, what plans does he have to keep me?" 

Prior to speaking, he takes the time to gather and organize his thoughts,
" Classified information, unfortunately for you, you are not eligible for it."

It turns out that this is more challenging than I initially thought. I've been here for three days, and I still haven't had the chance to meet the individual who purchased me. To be honest, I hope I never have to meet him, I fear I would be in immediate danger. I gazed at the King's Beta who stood before me, if I want a chance for survival maybe I can use him to my advantage. 

"Ren... was it? When will the king come visit me?" I nervously inquired, my voice hinting at my discontent.

I can tell that he could detect my anxiety and discomfort from the tone of my voice, indicating my unease with the idea, "Do you not want him to visit you?" 

I began fidgeting nervously, " If possible, Yes. Since you are his second in command, I was wondering if you knew his whereabouts and when he would visit me." 

I expected an answer right away but from the silence, I looked up to meet his face. He seemed somewhat angry and annoyed. I opened my mouth to voice my concerns and break the tension, but he abruptly cut me off before I could, "Do you dislike the King?"

"Um....Uh... Yes?" From the rumors others have been spreading, it was probably more fear than me disliking him. But I won't lie, initially I tend to dislike all werewolves. 

I anticipated his reply, however, he chooses to depart and vacate the room, subsequently causing me to feel puzzled. I brushed it off and began picking up the books that had scattered the floor. 

With each book I picked up, I open it flipping through the pages, hoping to get an answer. Sadly my inability to read was making it harder and harder to find answers to my escape. I clutch the books against me as my silent woes were wailing inside. 

I continue to clean up the mess Ren had created while cursing him, " Stupid wolf, if he was going to make a big mess he should've helped me cleaned it up."

After taking the books, I deferred obtaining information from them and considered an alternative method of escape. Time was of the essence, particularly because I needed to return to my grandparents, especially my sick grandfather. But how?

As I contemplated the upcoming ball, my thoughts began to drift. Perhaps I could leverage the event to my advantage, even though it might be the riskiest plan I had ever conceived. Nonetheless, it could potentially provide a means of escape.

Gathering the recent information I currently have, the ball will be held in a few days and no one is allowed on this floor. Maybe disguising myself as one of the guests could help me, but in order to do that, I would need a dress to fit the ball theme. Now all I need is more information on the situation. 

I expeditiously tidied the mess and then hastily retreated to my room, vigorously shaking a bell. Upon hearing the door creaking open, I turned my head facing the wolf who had just enter my room.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Mar 15 ⏰

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