⁂ Chap. 1 Beginning

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16 years old

A chill down my spine send me shivering. I huddle closer to my thin brown blanket that barely covers my feet, trying to escape the cold. My long Brunette hair tickled my nose, I let out a sneezed and moved some of my hair strands that were in front of my face, behind my ears. Lately, it was getting harder and harder to bring food on the table. After the Great War with the Humans and Werewolf, most humans were killed off, and some were captured.

I heard small footsteps beside my bed, I turned my head rubbing my eyes, "Grandma?"

She was holding another blanket, she unfolded it and wrapped it around my leg, "Grandma, where did you get this extra blanket?"

She smiles gently, "Don't worry where I got it from. Just make sure you stay warm tonight."

I nodded my head, feeling restless again, I close my eyes. I felt Grandmother's presence left my side, and I peaked over my shoulder towards her direction. She lays on her bed with Grandpa sharing a single thin small blanket that didn't even cover most of their body.

I frowned. Did she give me her blanket?

I knew that if I gave her the blankets back, she would refuse it, so I waited patiently for the right time when she fell asleep.

I sat up, grabbing 2 blankets that had been covering me before, and I covered my grandparents bodies completely. I touched Grandpa's forehead lightly. His temperature was still high. He has been feeling sick lately, which also makes it harder for us to survive.

Ever since the war ended, we lived in the Underground Tunnels that were located beneath the earth's dirt with no clean air, no sunlight, and no food. In order for anyone to survive, we were forced into hard labor up above the Underground Tunnels to earn the little food that was given to us as paymemt. Sometimes the food given to us wasn't enough to fill our stomachs but in order to survive we ate and shared the bits and pieces to family members or horde them for our next meal. All males that were +10 age were forced to work above and bring food to feed their families, whether it was 1 or half loathe of bread and a piece of fruit or 2. Men of the Underground Tunnel community were desperate to work for the sake of their own and their famlies.

As for women, that was a different story. Girls with an appropriate age of 16 years old that look pretty or alluded the werewolf needs would be sent to the auction. Those who weren't accepted were sent to do hard labors with the men. But the scariest part is that most girls that was sent to the auction wouldn't make it back alive, and the few that did come home had abundant food enough to last a family 1 month of starvation. It was rumored that they were gifts from werewolves.

Girls who had just turned 16 were already being taken by force and most girls that recently returned from the auction were getting auction again by the request of a Werewolf. We were just playthings for the Werewolves, like a cheap accessory that was thrown away after being used once or a couple more. It disgust me how they would use girls for their enjoyment.

I looked out of a window, staring at the group of girls who were terrified about the auctioning happening in a month. look at one particular girl with a glorified expression. Her father lips were near her ear lobe, whispering silently.

She looks a lot older and judges by her expression and her father's demeanor. I can only assume her father enjoyed the food she brought back with her after her last auction. Her father is briding her to get auction again....

I walked out of the tiny cemented house and looked above me. It was nothing but darkness with dimmed lights of candle sticks around. The big circle tunnel with no sun, no stars, and no tree or grass.

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